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(with Codes)
Farm-type, power take-off hp, wheel tractors (2- and 4-wheel drive), sold with or without attachments (Code 3331111100)
Farm-type dairy machines and equipment (Code 3331114110)
Power sprayers, field and row crop types only, self-propelled (Code 3331114116)
Power sprayers, field and row crop types only, tractor-mounted propelled (Code 3331114121)
PTO-driven sprayers and dusters, other than tractor-mounted (Code 3331114126)
Power sprayers, other than row crop and field types (over 4 g.p.m) (Code 3331114134)
Power sprayers, hand pulled and garden-type, 4 g.p.m. and under (Code 3331114152)
Agricultural hand sprayers, under 1 gallon (Code 3331114156)
Agricultural hand sprayers, compressed air or gas types, 1 gallon and over (Code 3331114161)
Other agricultural hand sprayers, including knapsack, hose end, and flame sprayers, 1 gallon and over (Code 3331114164)
Dusters, power, hand, all types (Code 3331114168)
All other sprayers, including air carried-type, portable foggers, and mist sprayers (Code 3331114173)
Attachments for sprayers and dusters (Code 3331114176)
Farm blowers and attachments, including forage blowers, combination grain and forage blowers (Code 3331114196)
Pull- and mounted-type corn planters, corn and cotton planters, and lister planters (Code 3331117101)
Grain drills (fixed frame), all types (Code 3331117108)
Transplanters (pull-type or mounted) and broadcast seeders (end-gate, mounted, and drawn) (Code 3331117111)
Fertilizer distributors (pull-type or mounted) (excluding fertilizer attachments), dry (Code 3331117118)
Fertilizer distributors (pull-type or mounted) (excluding fertilizer attachments), liquid and anhydrous ammonia (Code 3331117121)
Fertilizer distributors (pull-type or mounted) (excluding fertilizer attachments), manure spreaders, rear discharge (Code 3331117128)
Fertilizer distributors (pull-type or mounted) (exclude fertilizer attachments), manure spreaders, side discharge (Code 3331117131)
Fertilizer distributors (pull-type or mounted) (exclude fertilizer attachments), manure pumps, liquid (Code 3331117138)
Front and rear tractor mounted loaders (farm-type), manure and general utility (excl beet/sugarcane loaders) (Code 3331117141)
Row crop unit planters (Code 3331117148)
Other planting, seeding, and fertilizing machinery (Code 3331117151)
Attachments, excluding planting attachments for lister, but including fertilizer attachments for plain drills (Code 3331117158)
Harvesting machinery, including combines, combine heads and harvester (excluding hay and straw) (Code 3331119100)
Mowers, cutter-bar-type (including drum and disk, excluding mower-conditioners) (Code 333111A101)
Mower conditioners and windrowers with conditioner auger- and draper-type (pull-type and self-propelled) (Code 333111A111)
Rakes, side delivery, cylinder-type, finger wheel-type, rotary, tedder and combination rotary/tedder-type (Code 333111A121)
Hay balers, field-type, and bale throwing attachments (Code 333111A131)
Other haying machinery (Code 333111A141)
Other attachments for haying machinery (stripper, bale chute, knife attachments, etc.) (Code 333111A151)
Parts for farm-type wheel tractors (excluding operator cabs and parts for tractor chassis), for sale separately (Code 333111C110)
Parts for farm dairy machines and equipment (Code 333111C221)
Parts for sprayers and dusters (Code 333111C223)
Parts for farm blowers (Code 333111C225)
Parts for planting, seeding, and fertilizing machinery (Code 333111C227)
Parts for harvest machinery (Code 333111C229)
Parts for haying machinery (Code 333111C22A)
Parts for plows (excluding plowshares), replacement units only (Code 333111C22B)
Parts for harrows, rollers, pulverizers, and similar equipment (Code 333111C22D)
Parts for cultivators and weeders (Code 333111C22E)
Parts for machines preparing crops (Code 333111C22G)
Parts for farm poultry equipment (Code 333111C22H)
Parts for other barnyard equipment (Code 333111C22J)
Parts for self-propelled irrigation systems (sold separately) (Code 333111C22K)
Parts for hog equipment (Code 333111C22L)
Parts for farm wagons and other farm transportation equipment, including operator cabs for farm tractors (Code 333111C22M)
Parts for stalk shredders and cutters or rotary mowers (PTO) (Code 333111C22N)
Primary tillage equipment, sub-soilers (deep tillage), wide shank (Code 333111E111)
Primary tillage equipment, terracing and ditching plows (Code 333111E114)
Primary tillage equipment, chisel plows, deep tillage pull- or mounted-type (chisel or sweep-type) (Code 333111E120)
Primary tillage equipment, other plows, excluding snow plows (Code 333111E126)
Primary tillage equipment, attachments for plows (coulters, jointers, root cutters, sub-soilers, etc.) (Code 333111E140)
Secondary tillage equipment, spike-tooth harrow sections and spring-tooth and tine-tooth harrow sections (Code 333111E146)
Secondary tillage equipment, disc harrows, single, tandem, and offset (Code 333111E154)
Secondary tillage equipment, combination tillage equipment, roller/harrows, disc or coulter/field cultivators (Code 333111E156)
Secondary tillage equipment, blade terracer or scrapers (farm size) (Code 333111E163)
Primary tillage equipment, middlebusters and disc bedders (excluding planting attachments) (Code 333111E164)
Secondary tillage equipment, land levelers (Code 333111E166)
Secondary tillage equipment, all other harrows, rollers, pulverizers, and similar equipment (Code 333111E174)
Secondary tillage attachments (including folding extension, furrow fillers, drawbars, adapter hitches, etc.) (Code 333111E176)
Cultivators and weeders, secondary tillage (including corn, cotton, rotary field, and attachments) (Code 333111E186)
Stalk shredders and cutters or rotary mowers (PTO), flail-type (without spout) (Code 333111G102)
Stalk shredders and cutters or motary mowers (PTO), horizontal-blade-type, 66 inches cutting width and under (Code 333111G104)
Stalk shredders and cutters or rotary mowers (PTO), over 66 inches and up to 100 inches cutting width (Code 333111G106)
Stalk shredders and cutters or rotary mowers (PTO), over 100 inches cutting width (Code 333111G108)
Feed grinders and crushers, power (Code 333111G112)
Feed mixers (farm size), stationary and portable (Code 333111G114)
Driers (grain, hay, and seed), heated air crop driers (Code 333111G118)
Driers (grain, hay, and seed), crop drying fans only (over 15,000 c.f.m. at approximately one-inch pressure) (Code 333111G122)
Other machines for preparing crops for market or for use, including cotton ginning machinery (Code 333111G123)
All other farm machinery and equipment attachments (Code 333111G126)
Farm poultry equipment, incubators (Code 333111G128)
Farm poultry equipment, brooders, floor and hanging, gas, electric, oil, coal, wood and battery (Code 333111G132)
Farm poultry equipment, poultry feeders (trough, hanging, and mechanical) and waterers (excl turkey feeders) (Code 333111G136)
Farm poultry equipment, other farm poultry equipment, including turkey waterers, mechanized egg graders (Code 333111G139)
Attachments for farm poultry equipment (Code 333111G142)
Other barn and barnyard equipment, silo and grain bin unloaders, forage and grain (Code 333111G156)
Cattle and dairy barn equipment, feeding (Code 333111G158)
Cattle and dairy barn equipment, handling (Code 333111G162)
Cattle and dairy barn equipment, water (Code 333111G164)
Other barn and barnyard equipment (excluding construction items such as partitioners, doors, windows, etc.) (Code 333111G166)
Other barn and barnyard equipment attachments (Code 333111G168)
Hog equipment, including feeding, handling, and water equipment and attachments (Code 333111G170)
Farm wagons and other farm transportation equipment, wagons (chassis only) and trailer gears, 4-wheel (Code 333111G172)
Farm wagons and other farm equip, boxes and racks for mounting on wagons,, manual unloading or dump (Code 333111G174)
Farm wagons and other farm equip, boxes and racks for mounting on wagons,, gravity unloading (grain-type only) (Code 333111G176)
Farm wagons and other farm equip, boxes and racks for mounting on wagons,, power unloading (Code 333111G178)
Farm wagons and other farm transportation equipment, boxes with internal running gear, grain- and forage-types (Code 333111G182)
Other farm wagons and transportation equipment (Code 333111G184)
Farm wagons and other farm transportation equipment attachments (Code 333111G186)
Self-propelled irrigation systems, center-pivot (Code 333111G188)
Self-propelled irrigation systems, all other systems using 100-foot flexible hose feeder line and over (Code 333111G192)
Powered nonriding mowers and rotary turf motors (Code 333111J101)
Riding reel-type turf mowers (including greens mowers) (Code 333111J107)
Other mower equipment, including flail and rotary mower cutting units, including gang (Code 333111J120)
Parts for commercial turf and grounds mowing equipment (Code 333111J131)
commercial turf and grounds mowing equipment attachments (Code 333111J136)
Other commercial turf and grounds care equipment, seeders, spreaders, and top dresser attachments (Code 333111J146)
Other commercial turf and grounds care equipment, aerators, spikers, dethatchers, and pluggers (Code 333111J153)
Other commercial turf and grounds care equipment, power brooms, blowers, vacuums, and sweepers (Code 333111J161)
Other commercial turf and grounds care equipment (including trap rakes, transport trailers, turf tractors, etc.) (Code 333111J175)
Parts for other commercial turf and ground care equipment, excluding mowing equipment (Code 333111J176)
Other commercial turf and ground care equipment attachments, excluding mowing equipment (Code 333111J181)
Lawnmowers, push-type, reel (powered and nonpowered) and rotary, gas powered (Code 3331121104)
Lawnmowers, rotary, self-propelled, gas-powered (Code 3331121106)
Lawnmowers, electric, all types, including battery-powered (Code 3331121121)
Rotary garden (motor) tillers (Code 3331121126)
Two-wheel tractors, walking-type (excluding rotary tillers) (Code 3331121131)
Snow throwers (snow blower) (excluding attachment-type), single stage (Code 3331121136)
Snow throwers (snow blower) (excluding attachment-type), dual stage (Code 3331121141)
Powered lawn edger/trimmers, fixed blades (Code 3331121146)
Powered lawn edger/trimmers, other than fixed blades (Code 3331121151)
Shredders and shredder-grinders (Code 3331121156)
Yard vacuums and blowers (Code 3331121161)
Other consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment (Code 3331121166)
Lawn tractors and riding mowers, front engine (Code 3331123108)
Lawn tractors and riding mowers, rear engine (Code 3331123125)
Garden tractors (Code 3331123147)
Other consumer riding lawn, garden, and snow equipment (Code 3331123171)
Parts for consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment (Code 3331127101)
Attachments for consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment (Code 3331127111)
Parts for consumer riding lawn, garden, and snow equipment (including tractors, riding mowers) (Code 3331127125)
Attachments (all types) for consumer riding lawn, garden, and snow equipment (including tractors, riding mowers) (Code 3331127195)
Excavators, hydraulic-operated, crawler-mounted, not more than 24 metric tons (26.46 short tons) (Code 3331201111)
Excavators, hydraulic-operated, crawler-mounted, more than 24 metric but not more than 40 metric tons (44.09 short tons) (Code 3331201114)
Excavators, hydraulic-operated, crawler-mounted, rated size in metric tons, more than 40 metric tons (Code 3331201117)
Power cranes, hydraulic-operated, telescopic boom, wheel cranes (integral), multiple control stations (Code 3331201160)
Power cranes, hydraulic-operated, telescopic boom, pinned-on-type, telescopic and articulated (Code 3331201167)
Power cranes, hydraulic-operated, telescopic boom, wheel cranes, one control station, self-propelled (Code 3331201180)
Power cranes, pedestal or shipmounted marine cranes (Code 3331201194)
Other cranes and excavators, including locomotive wrecking, cable-operated excavators, draglines (Code 3331201195)
Hoe attachments (sold separately) for power cranes, draglines, and excavators (Code 33312011A1)
Dragline bucket attachments, all sizes (sold separately) for power cranes, draglines, and excavators (Code 33312011A3)
Clamshell/grapple attachments, all sizes (sold separately) for power cranes, draglines, and excavators (Code 33312011A5)
All other attachments (sold separately) for power cranes, draglines, and excavators (Code 33312011A7)
All other power cranes, draglines, shovels, and excavators (including surface mining equipment and attachments) (Code 33312011A9)
Concrete mixers (including plaster and mortar), portable, all sizes, either truck-mixer or agitator (Code 3331201230)
Slipform concrete paving machines (including curb and gutter and concrete slipform pavers) (Code 3331201233)
Concrete trowels for concrete, plaster, or mortar applications (Code 3331201239)
Concrete vibrators (electric motor, gasoline engine, structural high-cycle, pneumatic, etc.) (Code 3331201241)
Concrete batching plants, bin and batch, for concrete aggregate only and bulk cement (Code 3331201247)
All other concrete, plaster, and mortar mixing and paving machinery (including concrete pumps, mobile) (Code 3331201250)
Bituminous distributors, for asphalt or bituminous applications (Code 3331201266)
Bituminous pavers, self-propelled, 21,999 lbs gross weight and under for asphalt or bituminous applications (Code 3331201271)
Bituminous pavers, self-propelled, 22,000 lbs gross weight and over for asphalt or bituminous applications (Code 3331201275)
Asphalt plants (including cold mix central plants) for asphalt or bituminous applications (Code 3331201283)
Bituminous stabilization mixing equipment (including central mixing plants), cold planers/milling machine (Code 3331201290)
Other asphalt and bituminous mixing and paving machinery for asphalt or bituminous applications (Code 3331201291)
Other mixers, pavers, and related equipment products, for use in either concrete or bituminous applications (Code 3331201295)
Off-highway trucks, rear dump haulers (excluding parts) (Code 3331201371)
Off-highway trucks, coal haulers, truck-type tractor chassis, trailers, and wagons (excluding parts) (Code 3331201376)
Skid steer loaders, 4-wheel drive skid steer, all sizes (Code 3331201460)
Wheel loaders, rear engine mount, integral design, 4-wheel drive, non-skid steer, below 149 NEPH (Code 3331201470)
Wheel loaders, rear engine mount, integral design, 4-wheel drive, non-skid steer, 150 - 249 NEPH (Code 3331201479)
Wheel loaders, rear engine mount, integral design, 4-wheel drive, non-skid steer, 250 NEPH and over (Code 3331201483)
Integral-design tractor shovel loader/backhoes (wheel tractor-chassis shipped as part of contractor tractor) (Code 3331201495)
All other tractor shovel loaders (skid steer, wheel, crawler, and integral-design loader-backhoes) (Code 3331201496)
Construction wheel and crawler tractors, dozers, and self-propelled log skidders (Code 3331201550)
Rollers, motor graders, light maintainers, and compactors (static smooth steel wheel rollers, tandem) (Code 3331201670)
Pneumatic tire rollers (Code 3331201682)
Vibratory single drum with 1 or 2 drive wheels, under 5 metric tons (5.51 short tons) (Code 3331201687)
Vibratory single drum with 1 or 2 drive wheels, 5 metric tons and over (Code 3331201690)
Vibratory double drum, two drums vibrating (Code 3331201693)
All other compaction equipment (excluding hand-held), including embankment and landfill compactors (Code 33312016A6)
Rough-terrain forklifts (integral units only), vertical mast, 2-wheel drive (Code 33312016D1)
Rough-terrain forklifts (integral units only), vertical mast, 4-wheel drive (Code 33312016D3)
Rough-terrain forklifts (integral units only), telescopic handlers, 2- and 4-wheel drive (Code 33312016D5)
Scraper bowls (Code 33312016D7)
Ditchers and trenchers, ladder-type and wheel digging, element self-propelled (integral units only) (Code 33312016D9)
Backhoes, either shipped for mounting separately or already mounted on an integral unit (Code 3331201782)
Other construction machinery for mounting on tractors and other prime movers (Code 3331201799)
Portable crushing plants (excluding parts) (Code 3331208103)
Screening, washing, and combination plants (excluding parts) (Code 3331208105)
Snow clearing attachments for mounting on tractors or trucks (including v-shaped snow plows, single blades) (Code 3331208115)
Commercial brush, limb, and log chippers for waste wood reduction (excluding parts) (Code 3331208126)
Log splitters (excluding parts) (Code 3331208127)
Dredging machinery, hydraulic and other types (excl. parts) (Code 3331208135)
Digger-derricks (excluding parts) (Code 3331208144)
Vertical earth augers and power posthole diggers (excluding water well and blasthole drills) (excluding parts) (Code 3331208148)
Horizontal earth boring machines and accessories (excluding parts) (Code 3331208152)
Pile driving equip. ( air/etc. pile hammers, etc.) (exc. parts) (Code 3331208156)
All other construction machinery and equipment, complete units (Code 3331208195)
Parts for power cranes, draglines, shovels, and excavators (including surface mining equipment) (sold separately) (Code 3331209111)
Parts for contractors' off-highway wheel tractors, crawler tractors, and tractor shovel loaders (sold separately) (Code 3331209245)
Parts for mixers, pavers, and related equipment (sold separately) (Code 3331209352)
Parts for off-highway trucks, coal haulers, truck-type tractor chassis, trailers and wagons (sold separately) (Code 3331209353)
Parts for motor graders and light maintainers, rollers and compactors, rough-terrain forklifts, scraper bowls (Code 3331209366)
Parts for construction machinery for mounting on tractors and other prime movers (sold separately) (Code 3331209377)
Parts for other construction machinery and equipment (excluding winches, hoists, and railroad rolling stock) (Code 3331209388)
Continuous mining machines, borer, ripper, auger, and drum, including roadheading machines (Code 3331311101)
Face haulage vehicles, rubber-tired, self-propelled (Code 3331311106)
Support vehicles, rubber-tired or track-mounted (Code 3331311111)
All other underground mining machinery (excluding parts sold separately) (Code 3331311116)
Mineral processing and beneficiation machinery (excluding parts sold separately) (Code 3331313100)
Gyratory crushers, stationary-type (including skid-mounted) (Code 3331315101)
Impact crushers, stationary-type (including skid-mounted) (Code 3331315106)
Jaw crushers, stationary-type (including skid-mounted) (Code 3331315111)
Roll crushers, stationary-type (including skid-mounted) (Code 3331315116)
Grinding mills and pulverizers, stationary (Code 3331315121)
Horizontal screens, vibrating, stationary (Code 3331315126)
Inclined screens, vibrating, stationary (Code 3331315131)
Other crushers, including trommell, stationary-type (including skid-mounted) (Code 3331315136)
Other stationary crushing, pulverizing, and screening machinery (excluding parts sold separately) (Code 3331315141)
Rock drills, air- and hydraulic-powered drills and breakers (rotary and percussion) (Code 3331317102)
Coal drills, core drills, and breakers (rotary and percussion) (Code 3331317106)
Roof bolters drills and breakers (rotary and percussion) (Code 3331317111)
Drills and other mining machinery and equipment (excluding parts sold separately) (Code 3331317116)
Percussion rock mining drill bits, sintered metal carbide, etc. (Code 3331319101)
Rock mining drill bits not percussion, metal carbide, etc. (Code 3331319106)
Other mining drill bits, sintered metal carbide and cermets (Code 3331319111)
Drill bits not of sintered metal carbide and cermets (Code 3331319216)
Parts, mining machinery/equip., underground mining vehicles (Code 3331319321)
Parts, mining machinery/equip., minerals crushing, etc. (Code 3331319426)
Parts, mining mach./equip. (exc. drill bits) for lifting, etc. (Code 3331319531)
Parts, mining mach./equip. (exc. drill bits) for boring, etc. (Code 3331319636)
Parts, other mining machinery and equipment (exc. drill bits) (Code 3331319744)
Rotary drilling surface equip., blocks, crown, traveling, etc. (Code 3331321101)
Rotary oil and gas field surface drilling well control equipment (Code 3331321116)
Other rotary oil & gas field surface drilling machinery/equip. (Code 3331321123)
Rotary oil/gas fld. subsurface drilling bits, metal carbide/etc. (Code 3331321126)
Rotary oil/gas field subsurface drilling bits, other materials (Code 3331321131)
Rotary oil/gas fld. subsurface drilling equip. for reamers, etc. (Code 3331321136)
Rotary oil/gas field subsurface drilling fishing/cutting tools (Code 3331321151)
Rotary oil and gas field subsea drilling risers (Code 3331321156)
Other rotary oil and gas field subsurface drilling equipment (Code 3331321167)
Parts for rotary oil and gas field drilling equipment, sold separately (excluding for portable drilling rigs) (Code 3331321271)
Other oil and gas field drilling machinery and equipment, excluding parts (Code 3331323115)
Other oil and gas field drilling equipment (Code 3331323123)
Parts for other oil and gas field drilling equipment, sold separately (excluding parts for rotary drilling equipment) (Code 3331323226)
Oil and gas field production machinery and equipment (excluding pumps and parts) (Code 3331325105)
Oil/gas field production well casings/tubing heads/supports (Code 3331325106)
Oil/gas field prod. well chokes/manifolds/other accessories (Code 3331325111)
Oil/gas field production well rodless oil lifting mach./equip. (Code 3331325116)
Oil/gas field prod. well subsea Christmas tree assemblies, etc. (Code 3331325121)
Oil and gas field surface rod lifting pumping units/accessories (Code 3331325126)
Oil and gas field packers (Code 3331325141)
Oil and gas field screens, tubing, catchers, etc. (Code 3331325146)
Oil/gas field separating/metering/treating equip., for wellhead (Code 3331325151)
Other oil/gas field production machinery/tools (exc. pumps) (Code 3331325198)
Parts for oil and gas field production machinery and tools, sold separately (excl parts for portable drilling rigs) (Code 3331325256)
Portable rotary drilling rigs, truck, trailer, or crane carrier-mounted (Code 3331327116)
Parts for portable drilling rigs used on the surface (above ground) (Code 3331327210)
Oil and gas field derricks, substructures and accessories, including well-surveying machinery and equipment (Code 3331329100)
Oil and gas field well logging equipment (Code 3331329111)
Woodworking sawmill circular saws (head rigs) (Code 3332103101)
Woodworking sawmill band saws (head rigs) (Code 3332103106)
Woodworking sawmill equipment, removing bark from logs (Code 3332103111)
Woodworking sawmill equipment, chipping or splitting wood (Code 3332103116)
Woodworking sawmill equip., specialized materials handling (Code 3332103121)
Other woodworking sawmill equipment (Code 3332103126)
Woodworking sawing machines (except sawmill equipment) (Code 3332103231)
Woodworking planing machinery (single/double planers, etc.) (Code 3332103236)
Woodworking sanding machines (Code 3332103241)
Woodworking boring machines (Code 3332103246)
Woodworking mortising and tenoning machines (Code 3332103251)
Woodworking lathes or turning machines (Code 3332103256)
Woodworking routers (Code 3332103261)
Woodworking shapers and profilers (Code 3332103266)
Woodworking assembling/gluing/laminating/finishing machines (Code 3332103271)
Multifunction woodworking machines (Code 3332103276)
Other woodworking machines and equipment (Code 3332103292)
Parts/etc., woodworking machinery (sold separately) (Code 3332103396)
Woodworking saws, incl. circular/band (exc. chain), for home (Code 3332105311)
Other woodworking machinery, home workshops/garages/etc. (Code 3332105351)
Plastics single screw extrusion mach., 2.49 in./less diameter (Code 3332201106)
Plastics single screw extrusion mach., 2.50 - 5.49 in. diameter (Code 3332201111)
Plastics single screw extrusion mach., 5.50 in./more diameter (Code 3332201116)
Plastics multiple screw extrusion mach., exc. patterns/molds (Code 3332201121)
Plastics compression molding machines, excl. patterns/molds (Code 3332201201)
Plastics injection molding machines, 500 tons or less (Code 3332201226)
Plastics injection molding machines, more than 500 tons (Code 3332201231)
Plastics blow molding machines, exc. patterns and molds (Code 3332201236)
Plastics granulators and pelletizers (Code 3332201341)
Plastics thermoforming machines, exc. patterns and molds (Code 3332201346)
Calendering or other rolling machines for working plastics (Code 3332201351)
Machines, cold working plastics, incl. drilling, milling, etc. (Code 3332201356)
Machinery for treating plastics by means of a temp. change (Code 3332201361)
Other machinery for forming plastics (Code 3332201366)
All other machinery for working & making plastics products (Code 3332201371)
Parts, mach. for treating plastics by means of a temp. change (Code 3332201476)
Parts of calendering or rolling machines for plastics (Code 3332201481)
Other parts for plastics working machinery (Code 3332201486)
High-intensity rubber solids mixers (Code 3332203101)
Rubber extruding machines, excluding tire molds (Code 3332203106)
Rubber tire building equipment, except tire molds (Code 3332203111)
Rubber tire recapping/repairing mach./equip., exc. tire molds (Code 3332203116)
Other machinery, working/making rubber products, exc. tire (Code 3332203121)
Parts for rubber working machinery, excluding tire molds (Code 3332203226)
Paper industry wood preparations equip. (debarkers, etc.) (Code 3332411104)
Paper industry pulp mill grinders/refiners for mechanical pulp (Code 3332411111)
Paper ind. pulp mill deckers/thickeners/wet lap machines/etc. (Code 3332411121)
Other paper industry pulp mill machinery (Code 3332411123)
Paper mill stock preparation equip., incl. refiners, pulpers, etc (Code 3332411131)
Paper mill paper making machines, dryers for paper pulp/etc. (Code 3332411236)
Other paper mill paper making machines (Code 3332411241)
Paper mill paper coating machines, incl. equip. for sizing, etc. (Code 3332411346)
Paper mill paper calendering/rolling machines for finishing (Code 3332411351)
Other paper mill paper machines (Code 3332411361)
Paper mill machines, finishing paper, exc. calendering/rolling (Code 3332411456)
Paper and paperboard cutting machines (excluding sheeters and winders) (Code 3332435301)
Machines for making paper and paperboard bags, sacks, and envelopes (Code 3332435302)
Paper and paperboard corrugated box making machines (Code 3332435303)
Machines for making paper and paperboard cartons, boxes, cases, tubes, drums, and similar containers (Code 3332435304)
Other paper and paperboard converting equipment for finishing paper or paperboard (Code 3332435305)
Other paper and paperboard converting equipment for converting paper and paperboard (Code 3332435306)
Paper mill coating, calendering, rolling, and finishing machines (Code 3332435401)
Parts and attachments for paper industry wood preparation equipment (sold separately) (Code 3332436101)
Parts and attachments for paper industry pulp mill machinery (sold separately) (Code 3332436201)
Parts and attachments for paper industry machines for finishing paper (sold separately) (Code 3332436301)
Parts and attachments for paper mill machinery, excluding machines for finishing paper (sold separately) (Code 3332436401)
Parts and attachments for paper and paperboard converting equipment (sold separately) (Code 3332436501)
Cleaning/opening fiber-to-fabric textile mach. (exc. parts/etc.) (Code 3332421101)
Carding/combing fiber-to-fabric textile mach. (exc. parts/etc.) (Code 3332421103)
Other fiber-to-fabrics textile machinery (exc. parts/etc.) (Code 3332421106)
Fiber-to-fabric yarn winding machines (exc. parts/etc.) (Code 3332421111)
Other fiber-to-fabric yarn preparing machines (exc. parts/etc.) (Code 3332421116)
Machinery, extruding/etc. manmade textile mat. (exc. parts) (Code 3332421121)
Fabric weaving machinery, power-driven (exc. parts/etc.) (Code 3332421131)
Fabric knitting machinery (exc. parts/attachments/etc.) (Code 3332421136)
Hand looms machinery (exc. parts/attachments/accessories) (Code 3332421241)
Other fabrics mach., incl. lace, etc. (exc. parts/etc.) (Code 3332421246)
Textile bleaching/mercerizing/dyeing machinery (exc. parts) (Code 3332421358)
Industrial textile laser printing systems/equip. (exc. parts/etc. (Code 3332421461)
Textile printing machinery (exc. parts/attachments/etc.) (Code 3332421462)
Textile machinery for drying stocks, etc. (exc. parts/etc.) (Code 3332421476)
Finishing machinery, calendering/rolling (exc. parts/etc.) (Code 3332421566)
Other finishing machinery (exc. parts/attachments/etc.) (Code 3332421571)
Machinery, finishing of felt/nonwovens (exc. parts/etc.) (Code 3332421681)
Textile rope & cablemaking machinery (exc. parts/etc.) (Code 3332421686)
Other textile industry machinery (exc. parts/attachments/etc.) (Code 3332421691)
Textile machinery turnings and shapes, shuttles (Code 3332423101)
Other textile machinery turnings and shapes, of plastics (Code 3332423106)
Other textile machinery turnings and shapes, except plastics (Code 3332423111)
Parts & attachments for fiber-to-fabric card clothing machinery (Code 3332423216)
Parts/etc. for fiber-to fabric machinery (dobbies and jacquards) (Code 3332423321)
Parts, fiber-to-fabric machinery, extruding/etc. manmade fibers (Code 3332423331)
Parts, fiber-to-fabric machinery, preparing textile fibers (Code 3332423336)
Parts, fiber-to-fabric machinery, spindles/spindle flyers/etc. (Code 3332423341)
Other parts and attachments for fiber-to-fabric machinery (Code 3332423346)
Parts, weaving machinery, reeds for looms/healds/heald-frames (Code 3332423451)
Other parts, weaving machines, incl. broad and narrow fabrics (Code 3332423456)
Parts, knitting machinery, sinkers/etc. used for stitches (Code 3332423561)
Other parts and attachments for knitting machinery (Code 3332423566)
Parts, finishing machinery, calendering/rolling machines (Code 3332423671)
Other parts and attachments for finishing machines (Code 3332423681)
Other parts/attachments for textile machinery (incl. printing) (Code 3332423791)
Printing presses, offset lithographic, sheet-fed (14 in./less) (Code 3332431101)
Printing presses, offset lithographic, roll-fed, newspaper (Code 3332431221)
Printing presses, offset lithographic, roll-fed (web-fed), newspaper (Code 3332442221)
Printing presses, offset lithographic, other roll-fed (web-fed) (Code 3332442311)
Printing presses, offset litho., roll-fed (web-fed), all other (Code 3332431351)
Printing presses, offset lithographic, roll-fed (web-fed), commercial (including heat-set) (Code 3332442441)
Printing presses, flexographic, sheet-fed and roll-fed (web-fed) (Code 3332442503)
Printing presses, flexographic, sheet/web-fed (16 in./more) (Code 3332433111)
Gravure printing machinery (Code 3332433241)
Industrial laser printing press systems and equipment (Code 3332433251)
Other printing presses, incl. metal decorating, proof, etc. (Code 3332433262)
Phototypesetting machines (Code 3332435101)
Other typesetting machinery, incl. apparatus and equipment (Code 3332435151)
Saddle, perfect-adhesive, and hard case binding equip. (Code 3332437101)
Printing trades paper cutting machines (Code 3332437111)
Printing trades collating/gathering machines (sold separately) (Code 3332437121)
Printing trades folding machines (Code 3332437131)
Printing trades newspaper inserting equipment (Code 3332437141)
Other printing trades binding machinery/equipment (Code 3332437151)
Digital electronic prepress systems, components, and elements, including color and B/W scanners (Code 333244A101)
Other prepress preparatory equipment (Code 333244A122)
Industrial etching and engraving laser systems and equipment (Code 333244A131)
Engravers' materials and equipment, including printing type, blocks, plates, cylinders (Code 333244A132)
Other printing trades engravers' materials and equipment (Code 333244A141)
Parts, attachments, and accessories for printing presses, including flying pasters, dryers, folders, and reels (Code 333244A251)
Parts/etc., typesetting machines, all types (sold separately) (Code 3332439361)
Parts, attachments, and accessories for bindery equipment, all types (sold separately) (Code 333244A371)
Parts, attachments, and accessories for prepress preparatory equipment (excl typesetting and camera parts) (Code 333244A481)
Parts, attachments, and accessories for other printing trades machinery and equipment, all types (Code 333244A511)
Other printing trades machinery and equipment, including platens and typesetting machinery (Code 333244A611)
Plastic screw extrusion machines, excluding patterns and molds (Code 3332491108)
Plastic molding machines, excluding patterns and molds (Code 3332491205)
Other machinery for working plastics and making products from plastics (Code 3332491336)
Thermoforming (vacuum forming) machinery for plastics manufacturing, excluding patterns and molds (Code 3332491346)
Parts for other machinery for working plastics and making products from plastics (Code 3332491477)
Machinery for working rubber and making products of rubber, excluding tire molds (Code 3332493105)
Parts for rubber working machinery, excluding tire molds (Code 3332493226)
Textile machinery , including fiber to fabric textile, hand looms, lace, embroidery, bleaching, printing (Code 3332495700)
Parts, attachments, and accessories for textile machinery (Code 3332497800)
Ind. mach./equip. for treating milk/dairy prods., temp. change (Code 3332441121)
Other dairy and milk products plant machinery and equipment (Code 3332441142)
Parts/attachments for dairy/milk products plant mach./equip. (Code 3332441171)
Commercial food products slicers (Code 3332443111)
Commercial food products choppers, grinders, cutters, etc. (Code 3332443221)
Commercial food products mixers/whippers (exc. drink mixers) (Code 3332443331)
Other comm. food prep. mach., incl. tenderizers (power-driven) (Code 3332443441)
Parts/attachments for commercial food preparation machines (Code 3332443551)
Industrial bakery dough mixers, dividers, and molders (Code 3332443661)
Industrial bakery bake ovens (including traveling tray) (Code 3332443671)
Ind. rolling machines, incl. pastry mach. for bakery products (Code 3332443681)
Other industrial bakery machinery and equipment (Code 3332443691)
Industrial presses, crushers, and similar machinery (Code 3332445101)
Other ind. machinery, for the prep. of fruits/vegetables/nuts (Code 3332445111)
Ind. mach./equip. for freezing/rapid chilling of food products (Code 3332445116)
Industrial driers for the manufacture of food products (Code 3332445121)
Other ind. mach./equip., treating food prods. by temp. change (Code 3332445131)
Ind. machines for cleaning/sorting/grading seed/grain/etc. (Code 3332445135)
Other ind. machinery, milling/working of cereals/dried vegs. (Code 3332445141)
Other ind. mach., extraction/prep., animal/fixed veg. fats/oils (Code 3332445151)
Other industrial food and feed products machinery (Code 3332445161)
Ind. machinery for sorting/grading/cleaning fruits/vegs./eggs (Code 3332445206)
Other ind. mach./equip., processing/preparing meat/poultry (Code 3332445208)
Parts and attachments for bakery furnaces and ovens (Code 3332445371)
Parts/attachments for presses, crushers, & similar machinery (Code 3332445376)
Parts/attachments for sorting/grading/cleaning fruits/vegs./eggs (Code 3332445381)
Other parts/attachments for industrial food products machinery (Code 3332445392)
Semiconductor wafer process. equip., thin layer chem. vapor (Code 3332450106)
Semiconductor wafer process. equip., thin layer physical vapor (Code 3332450211)
Semiconductor wafer processing equipment, plasma etch (Code 3332450326)
Microlithography, incl. aligners and other lithography systems (Code 3332450401)
Semiconductor wafer process. equip., thin layer epitaxial (Code 3332450416)
Semiconductor wafer processing equipment, wet etch (Code 3332450421)
Semiconductor wafer process. equip., reactive ion etch/etc. (Code 3332450434)
Ion implantation including current and voltage ion implanters (Code 3332450441)
Wafer process. equip., saw blank wafers from crystal boules (Code 3332450446)
Wafer process. equip., grind/polish semiconductor wafers (Code 3332450451)
Wafer process. equip., pattern generating apparatus (Code 3332450456)
Other semiconductor wafer processing equipment (Code 3332450461)
Semiconductor assembly dicing machines (Code 3332450468)
Pkg. equip., incl. mold/seal/finish/mark equipment (Code 3332450581)
Other assembly/pkg. equip., incl. lead frame inserting mach. (Code 3332450586)
Parts, machine tools to prod./process semiconductor wafers (Code 3332450591)
Parts, ion beam/plasma mach., process semiconductor wafers (Code 3332450596)
Parts, ion implanters used for doping semiconductor wafers (Code 33324505A1)
Parts, apparatus, projection of circuit patterns (Code 33324505A6)
Parts, pattern generating apparatus, masks/reticles (Code 33324505B1)
Other parts for semiconductor manufacturing machinery (Code 33324505B6)
Chemical manufacturing mixing, kneading, crushing, grinding, sifting, homogenizing (excluding dairy) (Code 3332499121)
Chemical manufacturing distilling, rectifying, and fractionating machinery and equipment (Code 3332499201)
Chemical manufacturing heat exchange units (Code 3332499206)
Chemical manufacturing dryers (Code 3332499211)
Chemical manufacturing gas or air liquefying machinery (Code 3332499216)
Other chemical manufacturing machines and equipment (Code 3332499226)
Parts for chemical manufacturing distilling, rectifying, fractionating, heat exchange, dryers, gas equipment (Code 3332499331)
Parts for other chemical manufacturing machinery and equipment (Code 3332499336)
Foundry pouring equipment, including ladles, crucibles, and pouring machines (Code 333249A101)
Foundry molding and core-making machines (Code 333249A106)
Foundry casting machines, excluding die casting machines, patterns, and molds (Code 333249A111)
Foundry blast cleaning machines (hydraulic, pneumatic, and airless) (Code 333249A116)
Other foundry machinery and equipment (including converters), excluding patterns and molds (Code 333249A121)
Parts for foundry machinery and equipment (Code 333249A202)
Other parts for foundry machinery and equipment (Code 3332483231)
Through-hole printed circuit board manufacturing machinery, excluding parts and testing (Code 333249C106)
Surface mount printed circuit board manufacturing machinery, excluding testing (Code 333249C201)
Other printed circuit board manufacturing machinery and equipment, excluding testing (Code 333249C211)
Parts, attachments, and accessories for printed circuit board manufacturing machinery and equipment (Code 333249C316)
Petroleum refining/distilling/fractionating machinery/equipment (Code 3332487101)
Petroleum refining heat exchange units (Code 3332487106)
Other petroleum refining machinery (Code 3332487111)
Ammunition and explosive loading machinery, except parts (Code 3332487121)
Tobacco processing machinery, excluding parts (Code 333249F131)
Sawing machines for working stone, ceramics, and similar materials (including glass), excluding parts (Code 333249F141)
Grinding or polishing machines for glass working (Code 3332487146)
Grinding or polishing machines for glass working and working stone, ceramics, or similar materials (Code 333249F153)
Other special industry glass working machines, excluding parts (Code 333249F156)
Other special industry machines for working stone, ceramics, and similar materials excluding glass and parts (Code 333249F161)
Clay products forming equipment (brick, tile, ceramic), excluding parts (Code 333249F171)
Concrete block and other forming equipment, excluding parts (Code 333249F183)
Cement making machinery, excluding parts (Code 333249F196)
Cotton ginning machinery, except parts(300) (Code 33324871B6(300))
Fuel fired kilns for cement, wood, and chemical processing (including parts) (Code 333249F1C6)
Distilling/rectifying equip./heat exchange units, desalinization (Code 33324871G9)
Filtering and purifying machinery and apparatus for desalinization, excluding parts (Code 333249F1H9)
Laboratory distilling equipment (excluding desalinization equipment) (Code 333249F1J1)
Footwear manufacturing and repairing machinery, excluding shoe sole stitching machines (including parts) (Code 333249F1K1)
Industrial sewing machine heads (including shoe sole stitching machine heads), excluding parts (Code 333249F1K6)
Automatic industrial sewing machinery, excluding parts (Code 333249F1M1)
Non-automatic industrial sewing machinery (Code 33324871M6)
Industrial sewing machine furniture (including parts and attachments) (Code 333249F1N1)
Machines for insulating electrical wire for cable (including parts) (Code 333249F1N6)
Electric battery manufacturing machinery, excluding parts (Code 333249F1P1)
Household sewing machines and parts (including heads for sale with cabinets or cases, and heads) (Code 333249F1R3)
Parts for petroleum refining machinery (Code 3332487216)
Parts for ammunition and explosive loading machinery (Code 3332487226)
Parts for tobacco processing machinery (Code 3332487236)
Parts. machines for working stone/ceramics/similar materials (Code 3332487266)
Parts for clay products forming equipment (brick, tile, ceramic) (Code 3332487276)
Parts for concrete products forming equipment (Code 3332487291)
Parts for cement making machinery (Code 33324872A1)
Parts for glassmaking machinery and equipment (Code 33324872B1)
Parts for cotton ginning machinery(300) (Code 33324872C1(300))
Parts for electroplating equipment (Code 33324872D6)
Parts for metal finishing equipment (Code 33324872F6)
Parts of desalinization equipment (Code 33324872J6)
Parts for electric battery making machines (Code 33324872P6)
Electroplating equipment, excluding rolling mill lines (excluding parts) (Code 333249F201)
Vibratory finishing machines, excluding parts (Code 333249F203)
Metal plating equipment, excluding electroplating (excluding parts) (Code 333249F205)
Other metal finishing equipment, excluding electroplating and rolling mill equipment (excluding parts) (Code 333249F207)
Metal degreasing machines, including parts (Code 333249F209)
Glassmaking machinery and equipment, including machines for hot working glass or glassware, excluding parts (Code 333249F3A6)
Parts for petroleum refining machinery (Code 333249F411)
Parts for tobacco processing, clay products forming equipment, cement making, desalinization equipment (Code 333249F412)
Parts for machines for working stone, ceramics, and similar materials (including glass) (Code 333249F413)
Parts for concrete products forming equipment (Code 333249F414)
Parts for glassmaking machinery and equipment (Code 333249F415)
Parts for electroplating equipment (Code 333249F416)
Parts for metal finishing equipment (Code 333249F417)
Parts for electric battery making machines (Code 333249F419)
All other miscellaneous special industry machinery, including parts (Code 333249F5R6)
Sighting, tracking, and fire-control equipment made from lenses, prism, etc., produced in this plant (Code 3333141101)
Sighting, tracking, and fire-control equipment made from purchased lenses, prism, etc. (Code 3333141103)
Sighting and tracking laser systems (Code 3333141104)
Night visions goggles and equipment (Code 3333141106)
Parts and accessories for sighting, tracking, and fire-control equipment (Code 3333141109)
Binoculars and astronomical instruments, parts and accessories, including mountings (Code 3333143519)
Optical test and inspection equipment (Code 3333143531)
Optical instruments used for inspecting semiconductors, wafers, and photo masks (Code 3333143532)
Miscellaneous filters for optical instruments and lenses (Code 3333143535)
Miscellaneous unmounted lenses for optical instruments and lenses (Code 3333143537)
Miscellaneous mounted lenses for optical instruments and lenses (Code 3333143542)
Other optical components (Code 3333143543)
Other optical instruments (Code 3333143545)
Parts and accessories for all other miscellaneous optical instruments and lenses (Code 3333143551)
Still cameras (hand-type cameras, process cameras for photoengraving and photolithography), excluding digital (Code 3333161101)
Projectors, excluding rear screen viewers (Code 3333161201)
Still picture commercial-type processing equipment for film (Code 3333161301)
All other still picture commercial-type processing equipment (developing machines, etc.) (Code 3333161401)
Other still picture equipment, parts, attachments, and accessories, including photographic laser systems (Code 3333161501)
Digital cameras (Code 3333162100)
Photocopying equipment, including diffusion transfer, dye transfer, electrostatic types, etc. (Code 3333163100)
Microfilming equip., cameras, incl. computer output (Code 3333155101)
Microfilming equip., microfilm readers, excl. handheld/service (Code 3333155106)
Microfilming equipment, microfilm reader-printers (Code 3333155111)
Other microfilming equipment (including microfiche) (Code 3333155116)
Blueprinting and whiteprinting (direct process type) equipment (Code 3333155221)
Motion picture equipment (all sizes 8 mm and greater), excluding projection screens and processing equipment (Code 3333164101)
Projection screens (for motion picture and/or still projection) (Code 3333164201)
Motion picture processing equipment, all types, excluding motion picture still-type equipment (Code 3333164301)
Parts, subassemblies, and accessories for digital cameras (Code 3333164401)
All other photographic and photocopying equipment (Code 3333164402)
Automatic merchandising machines, coin-operated (vending) (excluding money changing machines) (Code 3333181100)
Automatic merchandising machines, coin-operated mechanisms, excluding time switches (Code 3333182157)
Parts for automatic merchandising machines and coin-operated mechanisms, excluding time switches (Code 3333182301)
Currency handling machines, including money changing and dispensing machines (Code 3333183105)
Mach., sorting/wrapping/counting/etc. currency handling mach. (Code 3333114101)
Parts for money changing and dispensing machines (Code 3333183107)
Commercial laundry washers and washer-extractor combinations (excluding parts, attachments, and accessories) (Code 3333185101)
Comm. coin-oper. laundry drying tumblers, 10 kg/more cap. (Code 3333120211)
Commercial laundry drying tumblers (including centrifugal and compaction extractor) (excluding parts) (Code 3333185221)
Comm. laundry drying tumblers, exc.centrifugal/coin-operated (Code 3333120241)
Other commercial laundry equipment (excluding parts, attachments, and accessories) (Code 3333185355)
Commercial laundry equipment, flatwork ironers (Code 3333120361)
Other comm. laundry equip. (10kg/more capacity), exc. parts (Code 3333120366)
Parts, attachments, and accessories for commercial laundry equipment and presses (Code 3333185481)
Parts/attachments/etc., comm. drycleaning equip./presses (Code 3333120491)
Commercial drycleaning machines and presses (including garment manufacturers' needle trades presses, etc.) (Code 3333185579)
Comm. drycleaning presses & garment mfg presses (Code 3333120581)
Other commercial drycleaning and presses machinery (Code 3333120586)
Auto. typing/word processing mach., incl. parts/attachments(410) (Code 3333131100(410))
Duplicating machines, except parts and attachments(410) (Code 3333137100(410))
Mailing/letter handling/addressing mach., exc. parts/etc.(410) (Code 333313A100(410))
Other electric office machines, incl. pencil sharpeners/staplers(410) (Code 333313E100(410))
Other office machinery, excluding parts and attachments (Code 3333188100)
Parts and attachments for office machines (Code 3333189100)
Commercial ranges, ovens, and broilers (except electric) (Code 3333191111)
Commercial deep-fat fryers (except electric) (Code 3333191116)
Other comm. cooking equip.(griddles, etc.), exc. electric (Code 3333191121)
Comm. food-warming equip., incl. steam tables (exc. electric) (Code 3333191131)
Commercial electric ranges, ovens, and broilers (Code 3333191241)
Commercial microwave stoves and ovens (Code 3333191251)
Commercial electric deep-fat fryers (Code 3333191261)
Other comm. electric cooking equip., incl. griddles, etc. (Code 3333191271)
Commercial electric food-warming equipment (Code 3333191281)
Parts and accessories for commercial cooking and food-warming equipment (Code 333318A391)
Commercial and industrial portable vacuum cleaners (Code 333318C101)
Parts and attachments for commercial and industrial portable vacuum cleaners (Code 333318C111)
Commercial and industrial central vacuum cleaner systems (including parts and attachments) (Code 333318C221)
Automotive frame and body alignment equip., exc. handtools (Code 3333195101)
Automotive wheel alignment equipment, except handtools (Code 3333195106)
Automotive wheel balancing equipment, except handtools (Code 3333195111)
Automotive tire and wheel mounting equipment, exc. handtools (Code 3333195116)
Automotive brake service equipment, except handtools (Code 3333195121)
All other automotive maintenance equipment, except handtools (Code 3333195126)
Parts and attachments for automotive maintenance equipment (excluding handtools) (sold separately) (Code 333318F231)
Electronic teaching machines, teaching aids, trainers, and simulators (including kits) (Code 333318H100)
Instantaneous service industry water heaters, (including parts) (Code 333318J401)
Carnival and amusement park equipment (ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds, etc.) (Code 333318J402)
All other service industry water heaters (including parts), more than 120 gallons (454.2 liters) capacity (Code 333318J406)
Industrial water softeners (Code 333318J411)
Farm, household, and commercial water softeners (Code 333318J416)
Conveyor-type commercial dishwashing machines (Code 333318J446)
All other commercial dishwashing machines (Code 333318J451)
Sewage treatment equipment, distilling or rectifying (Code 333318J461)
Sewage treatment equipment, filtering or purifying (Code 333318J466)
Sewage treatment equipment, centrifuges (Code 333318J471)
Other sewage treatment equipment (Code 333318J474)
Commercial car, truck, and bus washing machinery and equipment (Code 333318J478)
Service industry trash and garbage compactors (Code 333318J482)
Sewer pipe and drain cleaning equipment (Code 333318J486)
High-pressure (more than 1,000 p.s.i.) cleaning and blasting machinery and equipment (excluding foundry) (Code 333318J489)
Barber and beauty shop furniture and equipment (excluding barber and beauty chairs) (Code 333318J491)
Electric hand-drying apparatus (Code 333318J494)
Other service industry equipment (Code 333318J496)
Commercial and industrial floor sanding and scrubbing machines (Code 333318J526)
Commercial and industrial carpet cleaning equipment, including sweepers (excluding vacuum cleaners) (Code 333318J531)
Other commercial and industrial floor and carpet cleaning machines, including waxing and polishing machines (Code 333318J541)
Parts for water softeners (excluding tanks) (Code 333319A221)
Parts/etc., commercial/industrial floor/carpet cleaning equip. (Code 333319A236)
Parts for commercial dishwashing machines (Code 333319A256)
Parts for other service industry machines (Code 333319A299)
Global Manufacturing & Markets report-Price $950
We also offer portions of the Global report at lower prices:
North America chapters-Price $450
European chapters-Price $450
Asia-Pacific chapters-Price $450
South America chapters-Price $450

(with Codes)
Axial and propeller type power roof ventilators, except parts (Code 3334120101)
Centrifugal type power roof ventilators, excluding parts (Code 3334131104)
Parts for power roof ventilators (Code 3334131107)
Centrifugal blower-filter units (Code 3334131217)
Centrifugal classes I and II fans (more than 1 1/2 in. to 6 3/4 in. maximum total pressure) (Code 3334131219)
Centrifugal classes III and IV fans (more than 6 3/4 in. maximum total pressure) (Code 3334131221)
Industrial centrifugal fans, excluding blowers, turboblowers, and multistage blowers (Code 3334131324)
Positive displacement centrifugal blowers, excluding turboblowers (Code 3334131327)
Multistage centrifugal blowers (Code 3334131329)
Commercial fans and blowers, and attic fans (Code 3334131344)
Axial fans, excluding parts (Code 3334131405)
Belt-driven axial fans (Code 3334120465)
Industrial propeller fans, excluding parts (Code 3334131505)
Industrial belt-driven propeller fans (Code 3334120575)
Penthouses, shutters, guards, and other parts and accessories for industrial fans and blowers (Code 3334131688)
Dust collection and other air purification equipment for industrial gas cleaning systems (Code 3334132110)
Parts for industrial air purification equipment (Code 3334132165)
Air filters for air-conditioners and furnaces, etc., of 2400 CFM or less, excluding parts (Code 3334133103)
Air washers, except parts (Code 3334113207)
Electrostatic precip. dust collect./air purifi. equip., exc. part (Code 3334113211)
All other dust collection & air purification equip., exc. parts (Code 3334113231)
Parts for dust collection and air purification equipment (Code 3334133355)
Boilers, gas-fired, cast iron, except parts (Code 3334141101)
Boilers, other types, cast iron, except parts (Code 3334141106)
Radiators and convectors, cast iron and steel, except parts (Code 3334141111)
Radiators/convectors, Al/other nonferrous metals, except parts (Code 3334141116)
Hearth appliances, domestic, gas fueled (all types), exc. parts (Code 3334143101)
Log sets, vented (Code 3334143106)
Log sets, ventless (Code 3334143111)
Heating appliances, B-vent, built-in (Code 3334143116)
Heating appliances, direct vent, built-in (Code 3334143121)
Heating appliances, vent-free, built-in (Code 3334143126)
Heating stoves, domestic, except parts (Code 3334143131)
Fireplaces/heating stoves, freestanding, wood, exc. parts (Code 3334143136)
Heaters, domestic, wood pellet burning, except parts (Code 3334143141)
Heat exchangers/zero clearance (factory blt) fireplaces, wood (Code 3334143146)
Fireplace inserts, domestic, wood burning (Code 3334143151)
Heating boilers, steel, <= 15 p.s.i., <= 400k Btu/hr, exc. parts (Code 3334145101)
Heating boilers, steel, <= 15 p.s.i., > 400k Btu/hr, exc. parts (Code 3334145111)
Floor and wall furnaces (gas and oil) (Code 3334147101)
Gas-fired unit heaters, 400,000 Btu per hour or less (Code 3334147106)
Steam and hot water heating element, centrifugal fan-type (blower) and propeller fan-type unit heaters (Code 3334147111)
Gas-fired infrared heaters (Code 3334147116)
Mechanical stokers (Code 3334147121)
Parts for floor and wall furnaces, unit heaters, gas-fired infrared heaters, and mechanical stokers (Code 3334147126)
Oil burners (Code 333414A101)
Parts and attachments for oil burners (Code 333414A106)
Gas burners and gas conversion burners (including parts), 400,000 Btu per hour or less (Code 333414A111)
Gas burners and gas conversion burners (including parts), 400,001 Btu per hour or more (Code 333414A116)
Parts and attachments for gas burners (sold separately) (Code 333414A121)
Heating unit ventilators (excluding electric) (Code 333414A126)
Fireplaces, nonelectric, prefabricated metal, comm./ind. use (Code 333414A131)
Solar energy collectors (water or air) (Code 333414A136)
Heaters, swimming pool, electric (Code 333414A138)
Wall and baseboard heating units for permanent installation (Code 333414A140)
Parts, accessories, and attachments for wall and baseboard heating units (Code 333414A150)
Other heating equipment, boilers, expansion tanks, mechanical stokers, nonelectric metal fireplaces (Code 333414A152)
Heat transfer packaged terminal air conditioners and heat pumps (Code 3334152102)
Heat transfer evaporative condensers, 100 tons and under (Code 3334152105)
Heat transfer evaporative condensers, over 100 tons (Code 3334152107)
Heat transfer room fan-coil air-conditioning units, vertical stack (Code 3334152109)
Heat transfer room fan-coil air-conditioning units, vertical (Code 3334152111)
Heat transfer room fan-coil air-conditioning units, horizontal (Code 3334152113)
Heat transfer central station air-handling units (motor-driven fan-type), draw through (Code 3334152117)
Heat transfer central station air-handling units (motor-driven fan-type), blow through (Code 3334152119)
Heat transfer central station air-handling units (motor-driven fan-type), heating and ventilating (Code 3334152121)
Heat transfer coolers (refrigeration), ceiling, wall-mounted unit coolers, 18,000 Btuh and below (Code 3334152124)
Heat transfer coolers (refrigeration), ceiling, wall-mounted unit coolers, over 18,000 Btuh (Code 3334152133)
Heat transfer coolers (refrigeration), air-cooled refrigerant condensers (remote-type), under 30 tons (Code 3334152135)
Heat transfer coolers (refrigeration), air-cooled refrigerant condensers (remote-type), 30 to 50 tons (Code 3334152137)
Heat transfer coolers (refrigeration), air-cooled refrigerant condensers (remote-type), over 50 tons (Code 3334152139)
Miscellaneous heat transfer equipment, shell-and-tube, shell-and-coil, shell-and-U-tube condensers (Code 3334152141)
Miscellaneous heat transfer equipment, shell-and-tube, shell-and-coil, shell-and-U-tube liquid coolers (Code 3334152143)
Miscellaneous heat transfer equipment, liquid-suction heat exchangers and refrigerant liquid receivers (Code 3334152145)
Miscellaneous heat transfer equipment, finned coils, standard steam and steam distributing tube (Code 3334152147)
Miscellaneous heat transfer equipment, finned coils, standard water cooling and/or heating and cleanable tube (Code 3334152149)
Miscellaneous heat transfer equipment, finned coils (A/C and refrigeration-type), volatile refrigerant cooling (Code 3334152151)
Miscellaneous heat transfer equipment, coil sales by OEM intended for resale (all types), copper and aluminum (Code 3334152153)
Miscellaneous heat transfer equipment, coil sales by OEM intended for resale (all types), aluminum (only) (Code 3334152155)
Miscellaneous heat transfer equipment, coil sales by OEM intended for resale (all), other (Code 3334152157)
Heat transfer centrifugal liquid chilling packages, hermetic and open types (Code 3334152163)
Heat transfer ice-making machines, self-contained ice cube makers, automatic, under 200 lb (Code 3334152169)
Heat transfer ice-making machines, self-contained ice cube makers, automatic, 200 lb and over (Code 3334152171)
Heat transfer ice-making machines, self-contained flake or chip machines, 300 lb and under (Code 3334152173)
Heat transfer ice-making machines, self-contained flake or chip machines, over 300 lb (Code 3334152175)
Heat transfer ice-making machines, not self-contained (Code 3334152177)
Heat transfer ice-making machines, combination ice makers and ice/drink dispensers (Code 3334152179)
Heat transfer reciprocating air and reciprocating water-cooled, air-cooled scroll machines, 20 hp and under (Code 3334152185)
Heat transfer reciprocating air and reciprocating water-cooled, air-cooled scroll machines, 21 to 49 hp (Code 3334152187)
Heat transfer reciprocating air and reciprocating water-cooled, air-cooled scroll machines, 50 to 75 hp (Code 3334152189)
Heat transfer reciprocating air and reciprocating water-cooled, air-cooled scroll machines, over 75 hp (Code 3334152191)
Heat transfer factory-fabricated water cooling towers (Code 3334152193)
Other heat transfer equipment, including room air-induction units, mechanical refrigeration systems (Code 3334152195)
Commercial refrigerated sectional coolers and cooling rooms, prefabricated (factory-produced)-type (Code 3334153101)
Commercial reach-in refrigerators and reach-in vertical display cabinets for normal temperature applications (Code 3334153106)
Commercial reach-in refrigerators and reach-in-type verticle display cabinets for low temperature applications (Code 3334153111)
Commercial closed refrigerated display cases for normal temperature applications, including self-contained (Code 3334153116)
Commercial open, one level, self-service refrigerated display cases for normal temperature applications (Code 3334153121)
Commercial open, multilevel, self-service refrigerated display cases for normal temperature applications (Code 3334153126)
Commercial open, self-service refrigerated frozen food display cases, including self-contained and remote units (Code 3334153131)
Commercial closed, refrigerated frozen food cabinets, other than reach-in-type (Code 3334153136)
Other commercial refrigerated display cases for low temperature applications (Code 3334153141)
Commercial mechanical refrigerated drinking water coolers(340) (Code 3334153146(340))
Comm. mech. refrig. bottled bev. coolers, dry/wet types (Code 3334153151)
Commercial mechanical refrigerated bulk beverage dispensers, including malt dispensers and precooler cabinets (Code 3334153156)
Commercial laboratory freezers (Code 3334153158)
Other commercial refrigerators and related equipment (Code 3334153160)
Condensing units, refrigeration (complete), air-cooled hermetic-type, 1 hp and under (Code 3334155123)
Condensing units, refrigeration (complete), air-cooled hermetic-type, 1.5 hp (Code 3334155125)
Condensing units, refrigeration (complete), air-cooled hermetic-type, 2 hp and 2.5 hp (Code 3334155128)
Condensing units, refrigeration (complete), air-cooled hermetic-type, 3 hp (Code 3334155130)
Condensing units, refrigeration (complete), air-cooled hermetic-type, over 3 hp but under 15 hp (Code 3334155132)
Condensing units, refrigeration (complete), water-cooled hermetic-type, under 15 hp (Code 3334155144)
Condensing units, refrigeration (complete), water- or air-cooled hermetic-type, 15 hp (Code 3334155161)
Condensing units, refrigeration (complete), water- or air-cooled hermetic-type, 20 hp (Code 3334155163)
Condensing units, refrigeration (complete), water- or air-cooled hermetic-type, 25 hp (Code 3334155165)
Condensing units, refrigeration (complete), water- or air-cooled hermetic-type, 30 hp (Code 3334155167)
Condensing units, refrigeration (complete), water- or air-cooled hermetic-type, 40 hp and over (Code 3334155170)
Condensing units, refrigeration (complete), water- or air-cooled open-type (all sizes) (Code 3334155180)
Other refrigeration condensing units (complete), excluding ammonia (complete) (Code 3334155181)
Room air conditioners and dehumidifiers, excluding portable dehumidifiers (Code 3334156100)
Soda fountain refrigeration equipment (cooler box, fountainette, and similar equipment) (Code 3334159101)
Beer dispensing refrigeration equipment (Code 3334159111)
Evaporative air coolers (Code 3334159121)
All other miscellaneous refrigeration equipment (Code 3334159131)
All other miscellaneous air-conditioning equipment (Code 3334159141)
Compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants, hermetic-type motor compressors, under 10 hp (Code 333415A125)
Compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants, hermetic-type motor compressors, 15 hp (Code 333415A130)
Compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants, hermetic-type motor compressors, 20 hp (Code 333415A132)
Compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants, hermetic-type motor compressors, 25 hp (Code 333415A134)
Compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants, hermetic-type motor compressors, 30 hp (Code 333415A136)
Compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants, hermetic-type motor compressors, 40 hp (Code 333415A145)
Other compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants (excluding ammonia), including open- and screw-type (Code 333415A150)
Compressors and compressor units, ammonia refrigerants (all types), excluding automotive (Code 333415A158)
Warm air furnaces and humidifiers, oil, forced air, 150,000 Btuh bonnet output and under (Code 333415C101)
Warm air furnaces and humidifiers, oil, forced air, 150,001 Btuh bonnet output and over (Code 333415C105)
Warm air furnaces and humidifiers, gas, forced air, 150,000 Btuh bonnet output and under (Code 333415C107)
Warm air furnaces and humidifiers, gas, forced air, 150,001 Btuh bonnet output and over (Code 333415C112)
All other electric warm air furnaces (Code 333415C179)
Humidifiers (attachments to warm air furnaces), all types, including central systems and self-contained (Code 333415C181)
Parts for heat transfer equipment, including air-conditioning condensing units (Code 333415D101)
Parts for unitary air conditioners (Code 333415D111)
Parts for commercial refrigeration and related equipment (Code 333415D121)
Parts for compressors and compressor units (Code 333415D131)
Parts for condensing units, excluding air-conditioning condensing units (Code 333415D141)
Parts for dehumidifiers and room air conditioners (Code 333415D151)
All other miscellaneous parts for refrigeration equipment (Code 333415D161)
All other miscellaneous parts for air-conditioning equipment (Code 333415D171)
Parts for warm air furnaces, including duct furnaces (excluding complete humidifiers) (Code 333415D181)
Single package air conditioners, with or without evaporator fans , horizontal, under 27,000 Btuh (Code 333415E122)
Single package air conditioners, with or without evaporator fans , horizontal, 27,000 to 32,999 Btuh (Code 333415E114)
Single package air conditioners, with or without evaporator fans , horizontal, 33,000 to 53,999 Btuh (Code 333415E116)
Single package air conditioners, with or without evaporator fans , horizontal, 54,000 to 64,999 Btuh (Code 333415E118)
Single package air conditioners, with or without evaporator fans , horizontal, 65,000 to 96,999 Btuh (Code 333415E120)
Single package air conditioners, with or without evaporator fans , horizontal, 97,000 to 134,999 Btuh (Code 333415E122)
Single package air conditioners, with or without evaporator fans , horizontal, 135,000 to 184,999 Btuh (Code 333415E124)
Single package air conditioners, with or without evaporator fans , horizontal, 185,000 to 249,999 Btuh (Code 333415E126)
Single package air conditioners, with or without evaporator fans ,horizontal, 250,000 to 319,999 Btuh (Code 333415E128)
Single package air conditioners, with or without evaporator fans ,horizontal, 320,000 to 379,999 Btuh (Code 333415E140)
Single package air conditioners, with or without evaporator fans ,horizontal, 380,000 Btuh and over (Code 333415E146)
Single package air conditioners, with or without evaporator fans , other than horizontal, 96,999 Btuh and over (Code 333415E154)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, under 33,000 Btuh (Code 333415E160)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, 33,000 to 38,999 Btuh (Code 333415E162)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, 39,000 to 43,999 Btuh (Code 333415E164)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, 44,000 to 53,999 Btuh (Code 333415E166)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, 54,000 to 64,999 Btuh (Code 333415E168)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, 65,000 to 134,999 Btuh (Code 333415E170)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, 135,000 to 184,999 Btuh (Code 333415E172)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, 185,000 to 249,999 Btuh (Code 333415E174)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, 250,000 to 319,999 Btuh (Code 333415E176)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, 320,000 to 379,999 Btuh (Code 333415E178)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, 380,000 to 539,999 Btuh (Code 333415E180)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, 540,000 to 639,999 Btuh (Code 333415E182)
Year-round air conditioners, single package and remote-condenser types, 640,000 Btuh and over (Code 333415E184)
Water source heat pumps (excluding room air conditioners) (Code 333415E186)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, under 22,000 Btuh (Code 333415E187)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 22,000 to 26,999 Btuh (Code 333415E188)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 27,000 to 32,999 Btuh (Code 333415E190)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 33,000 to 38,999 Btuh (Code 333415E192)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 39,000 to 43,999 Btuh (Code 333415E194)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 44,000 to 53,999 Btuh (Code 333415E196)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 54,000 to 64,999 Btuh (Code 333415E198)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 65,000 to 96,999 Btuh (Code 333415E200)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 97,000 to 134,999 Btuh (Code 333415E202)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 135,000 to 184,999 Btuh (Code 333415E204)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 185,000 to 249,999 Btuh (Code 333415E1A2)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 250,000 to 319,999 Btuh (Code 333415E1A4)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 320,000 to 379,999 Btuh (Code 333415E1A6)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 380,000 to 539,999 Btuh (Code 333415E1A8)
Split system air-conditioning condensing units, 540,000 and over (Code 333415E1B1)
Split system air-conditioning condensing coils, with blower (Code 333415E1B3)
Split system air-conditioning condensing coils, without blower (Code 333415E1B5)
Other unitary air conditioners, including recreational vehicle types, excluding any source of heat pumps (Code 333415E1B7)
Air-source heat pumps (excluding room air conditioners), single package, under 27,000 Btuh (Code 333415F123)
Air-source heat pumps (excluding room air conditioners), single package, 27,000 to 41,999 Btuh (Code 333415F134)
Air-source heat pumps (excluding room air conditioners), single package, 42,000 to 64,999 Btuh (Code 333415F145)
Air-source heat pumps (excluding room air conditioners), single package, 65,000 Btuh and over (Code 333415F156)
Air-source heat pumps (excluding room air conditioners), split system, under 27,000 Btuh (Code 333415F167)
Air-source heat pumps (excluding room air conditioners), split system, 27,000 to 41,999 Btuh (Code 333415F178)
Air-source heat pumps (excluding room air conditioners), split system, 42,000 to 64,999 Btuh (Code 333415F189)
Air-source heat pumps (excluding room air conditioners), split system, 65,000 Btuh and over (Code 333415F195)
Ground and ground water source heat pumps (single and split systems) (Code 333415G100)
Industrial molds made of metal, for low-pressure and high-pressure die-casting of metal or metal carbides (Code 3335110102)
Ind. molds, metal high-press. die-casting metal/metal carbides (Code 3335110106)
Industrial permanent molds made of metal for gravity casting (excluding ingot molds) (Code 3335110411)
Other industrial molds made of metal for metal or metal carbides (excluding ingot molds) (Code 3335110416)
Industrial molds made of metal for wax (Code 3335110421)
Industrial molds made of metal for mineral materials (Code 3335110426)
Industrial molds made of metal for glass (Code 3335110431)
Industrial injection and compression-type molds made of metal for rubber (Code 3335110436)
Other industrial molds made of metal for rubber (Code 3335110441)
Industrial molds made of metal for other materials (Code 3335110446)
Industrial mold bases made of metal (Code 3335110451)
Industrial molds made of materials other than metal, for metal, metal carbides, glass, mineral materials, rubber (Code 3335110476)
All other miscellaneous industrial molds made of materials other than metal (Code 3335110481)
Industrial mold boxes and flasks for use with patterns and sand molds in foundries (Code 3335110486)
Industrial injection-type molds made of metal for plastics (Code 3335110556)
Ind. compression-type molds made of metal for plastics (Code 3335110558)
Other ind. molds (transfer/etc.) made of metal for plastics (Code 3335110560)
Jigs and fixtures (including parts) (Code 3335140A10)
Metalworking die and die sets (Code 3335140B10)
Punches, industrial prototypes, die parts, and other special tooling (Code 3335140C10)
Cutting tools and all other miscellaneous carbide cutting tools for metalworking machinery (Code 3335151103)
High-speed steel end and solid and tipped carbide end mills, non and indexible inserted blade type (Code 3335151401)
Threading tools, including blanks, tips, inserts, and all other misc. high-speed steel cutting tools for machine tools (Code 3335151501)
Carbon and high-speed steel shank and solid and tipped carbide twist drills, including masonry twist drill bits (Code 3335151801)
Taps and precision ground carbide indexible metalworking machinery (Code 3335151901)
Tool holders, tracer and tapering attachments, lathe chucks, rotary tables, collets, jaws, vises (Code 3335153100)
Metal gear cutting machines (Code 3335171200)
Metal grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, and lapping machines, excluding gear-tooth grinding machines (Code 3335172100)
Metal lathes (turning machines) numerically and nonnumerically controlled (Code 3335173100)
Metal milling machines (excluding machining centers) (Code 3335174100)
Metal drilling machines for home workshops, garages, etc. (Code 3335125101)
Metal grinding & polishing machines for home workshops, etc. (Code 3335125106)
Metal sawing & cut-off machines for home workshops, etc. (Code 3335125116)
Other metalworking machines for home workshops, etc. (Code 3335125198)
Parts for metal-cutting machine tools (sold separately) (Code 3335176101)
Rebuilt metal-cutting-type machine tools (Code 3335176107)
Remanufactured metal-cutting-type machine tools (including machines in which the original carcass is reused) (Code 3335176111)
Metal machining centers (multifunction numerically controlled machines) (Code 3335177100)
Metal-station-type machines (Code 3335178100)
Other metal cutting machine tools (excluding those designed primarily for home workshops, etc.) (Code 3335179100)
Metal boring machines and drilling machines (excluding machining centers) (Code 333517A100)
Metal punching and shearing machines (including power and manual) and bending and forming machines (Code 333517B100)
Metalworking presses (excluding forging and die-stamping presses) (Code 333517C100)
Other metal forming machine tools, including forging and die-stamping machines (Code 333517D100)
Parts for die-casting machines (Code 333517E106)
Other parts for metal forming machine tools (Code 333517E116)
Rebuilt metal forming machine tools (including machines returned to same configuration) (Code 333517E122)
Remanufactured metal forming machine tools (including machines in which the basic carcass is reused) (Code 333517E126)
Gauging & checking jigs & fixtures, less than 1,000 lb weight (Code 3335140101)
Gauging & checking jigs & fixtures, 1,000 lb weight or more (Code 3335140103)
Other than work holding fixtures (Code 3335140106)
Work holding fixtures (Code 3335140109)
Other jigs/fixtures, 1,000 lb/more (holding, positioning, etc.) (Code 3335140112)
Std. catalog comps./parts, jigs/fixtures, incl drill bushings (Code 3335140215)
Press brake metalworking dies (Code 3335140318)
Metalworking forming and drawing dies, 500 lb weight or less (Code 3335140321)
Metalworking forming and drawing dies, 501 to 3,000 lb weight (Code 3335140326)
Metalworking forming & drawing dies, more than 3,000 lb (Code 3335140332)
All other metalworking stamping-type dies (Code 3335140423)
Other metalworking stamping dies, progressive-type (Code 3335140429)
Metalworking stamping dies, progress.-type, high-speed steel (Code 3335140535)
Metalworking stamping dies, progressive-type, carbide (Code 3335140538)
Metalworking open-type forging dies, incl. cold forging/heading (Code 3335140541)
Metalworking closed-type forging dies, incl. cold & heading (Code 3335140543)
Metalworking ceramic/ceramic composite extrusion/etc. dies (Code 3335140546)
Metalworking high-speed steel extrusion/wiredrawing/etc. dies (Code 3335140549)
Other metalworking extrusion/wiredrawing/straightening dies (Code 3335140652)
Metalworking carbide extrusion/wiredrawing/straightening dies (Code 3335140655)
All other high-speed steel metalworking dies (Code 3335140658)
All other carbide metalworking dies (Code 3335140661)
All other metalworking dies (Code 3335140663)
Standard and special metalworking die sets (Code 3335140666)
Standard steel punches for dies (Code 3335140769)
Standard carbide punches for dies (Code 3335140772)
Other standard punches for dies (Code 3335140775)
Industrial models and prototypes (Code 3335140878)
Other specially designed tooling (Code 3335140981)
Broaches for machine tools and metalworking machinery (Code 3335151102)
Carbon/high-speed steel reamers, machine tools/metalworking (Code 3335151124)
Solid/tipped carbide reamers, machine tools/metalworking (Code 3335151126)
Hobs (all types) for machine tools & metalworking machinery (Code 3335151128)
Gear shaper/shaving cutters, machine tools/metalworking (Code 3335151132)
Single/double point cutting tools, machine tools/metalworking (Code 3335151148)
Circular form cutting tools, machine tools/metalworking mach. (Code 3335151152)
All other solid/tipped carbide cutting tools, machine tools (Code 3335151188)
High-speed steel end mills, machine tools/metalworking mach. (Code 3335151434)
Solid/tipped carbide end mills, machine tools/metalworking (Code 3335151436)
Nonindexible inserted blade type milling cutters, machine tools (Code 3335151438)
Dies, 2/more thread-form. edges integral w/ body, mach. tools (Code 3335151554)
Chasers, single edge thread-cutting/circular blade/tangent, etc. (Code 3335151558)
Molded blanks/tips, machine tools and metalworking mach. (Code 3335151562)
Other carbide indexible/throwaway inserts, machine tools/etc. (Code 3335151564)
Carbide inserts (exc. indexible/throwaway), machine tools/etc. (Code 3335151568)
Thread-rolling dies (circular, flat, & planetary), machine tools (Code 3335151572)
Other threading tools (screw plates/etc.), machine tools/etc. (Code 3335151574)
Carbon/high-speed steel taper shank twist drills, mach. tools (Code 3335151204)
Carbon/high-speed steel straight shank twist drills, mach. tools (Code 3335151206)
Masonry twist drill bits, machine tools/metalworking machinery (Code 3335151308)
Solid/tipped carbide twist drills, machine tools/metalworking (Code 3335151312)
Gun drills/reamers, machine tools/metalworking machinery (Code 3335151314)
Combination drills/countersinks, machine tools/metalworking (Code 3335151316)
Countersinks, machine tools/metalworking machinery (Code 3335151318)
Counterbores, machine tools/metalworking machinery (Code 3335151322)
Indexible/throwaway insert type milling cutters, machine tools (Code 3335151442)
All other misc. high-speed steel milling cutters, machine tools (Code 3335151444)
All other solid/tipped carbide milling cutters, machine tools (Code 3335151446)
Taps for machine tools and metalworking machinery (Code 3335151656)
All other misc. carbon steel cutting tools for machine tools (Code 3335151576)
All other misc. high-speed steel cutting tools for machine tools (Code 3335151578)
Ceramic indexible/throwaway inserts, mach. tools/metalwork (Code 3335151582)
Indexible/throwaway inserts (exc.carbide/ceramic), mach. tools (Code 3335151584)
Ceramic inserts (exc. indexible/throwaway), machine tools/etc. (Code 3335151586)
All other inserts, machine tools and metalworking machinery (Code 3335151592)
Precision ground carbide indexible/throwaway inserts (Code 3335151766)
Holders for turning tools, mech. clamping for inserts/bits (Code 3335153101)
Holders for boring bars/heads, machine tools/metalworking (Code 3335153106)
Holders for drilling/reaming/tapping chucks, machine tools/etc. (Code 3335153111)
Holders for special tooling/attachments, screw/auto. mach. (Code 3335153116)
Holders for die heads/tap bodies, chaser-type threading/etc. (Code 3335153121)
Other tool holders, incl. chucks/drill heads/tool posts/etc. (Code 3335153126)
Tracer/tapering attachments/etc., mach. tools/metalworking (Code 3335153131)
Lathe chucks for machine tools and metalworking machinery (Code 3335153136)
Rotary tables, including numerically controled (Code 3335153146)
Indexing work holders, excluding rotary tables (Code 3335153152)
Collets, jaws, vises (Code 3335153154)
Tool room specialties, machine tools/metalworking machinery (Code 3335153156)
Collets/jaws/vises, incl. mandrels/feeding fingers clamps/etc. (Code 3335153166)
All other attachments/etc., machine tools/metalworking mach. (Code 3335153176)
Hot rolling mill machinery (including combination hot and cold) (excluding tube rolling) (Code 3335191100)
Cold rolling mill machinery (including tandem, single stand and other) (Code 3335193100)
Single stand cold rolling mill machinery (Code 3335163106)
Other cold rolling mill machinery and equipment (Code 3335163191)
Rotary transfer metalworking assembly machines (dial and rotary, trunnion, center column) (Code 3335197101)
Inline transfer, synchronous metalworking assembly machines (Code 3335197206)
Inline transfer, nonsynchronous metalworking assembly machines (Code 3335197311)
Special-purpose and other types of metalworking assembly machines (Code 3335197416)
Parts and attachments for metalworking assembly machines (sold separately) (Code 3335197521)
Tube rolling mill machinery (Code 3335198101)
Processing lines (including pickling and cleaning, tinning, galvanizing, etc.), scarfing units, and press feed lines (Code 3335198106)
Other rolling mill machinery and equipment, excluding parts (Code 3335198111)
Machined rolls for rolling mills (Code 3335198116)
Parts, excluding rolls, for rolling mill machinery (sold separately) (Code 3335198121)
Metalworking draw benches and wiredrawing machines (excluding dies, handheld, and ultrasonic) (Code 3335199101)
Wire rope and wire cable making machines (excluding handheld and ultrasonic) (Code 3335199106)
Other metalworking machines for working wire (excluding handheld and ultrasonic) (Code 3335199111)
Cut-to-length coil handling lines (conversion or straightening) (excluding handheld and ultrasonic) (Code 3335199116)
Slitting coil handling lines (conversion or straightening) (excluding handheld and ultrasonic) (Code 3335199121)
Other metalworking machinery (excluding handheld and ultrasonic) (Code 3335199126)
Parts and attachments for other metalworking machinery (excluding handheld and ultrasonic) (sold separately) (Code 3335199131)
Turbine generator sets, excluding prime mover generator sets (Code 3336110101)
Steam turbines and other vapor turbines (Code 3336110211)
Parts and accessories for turbines, turbine generators, and turbine generator sets (Code 3336110751)
Parts/etc., steam/other vapor turbines (sold separately) (Code 3336110746)
Parts/accessories, gas turbines, exc. aircraft (sold separately) (Code 3336110761)
Parts and accessories for wind turbines (sold separately) (Code 3336110766)
Turbine generator parts and accessories (sold separately) (Code 3336110776)
Hydraulic turbines (all sizes) (Code 3336110836)
Wind turbines (Code 3336110856)
Turbine generators (Code 3336110871)
Gas turbines, excluding aircraft (all sizes) (Code 3336110451)
Loose gears, coarse pitch, helical/spur, 24 in./less, hard (Code 3336123111)
Loose gears, coarse pitch, helical/spur, 24 in./less, not hard (Code 3336123113)
Loose gears, coarse pitch, helical/spur, 24 in./more to 72 in. (Code 3336123116)
Loose gears, coarse pitch, helical/spur, diameter 72 in./more (Code 3336123118)
Coarse pitch worms and worm gearing, sold separately (Code 3336123125)
Loose gears, coarse pitch, bevel (straight, spiral, and other) (Code 3336123135)
All other misc. loose gearing, coarse pitch, incl. racks (Code 3336123146)
Loose gears, fine pitch, helical and spur (and herringbone) (Code 3336123153)
Fine pitch worms and worm gearing, sold separately (Code 3336123155)
All other misc. loose gearing, fine pitch (Code 3336123157)
Worm speed reducers, single, 3 in./less, C-face/flange/scoop (Code 3336127114)
Worm speed reducers, single, 3 in./less, w/out C-face/etc. (Code 3336127116)
Worm speed reducers, single, center distance 3 in./more (Code 3336127118)
Worm speed reducers, double/multiple (worm/helical/worm) (Code 3336127121)
Right angle worm gearmotors, less than 1 hp (Code 3336127225)
Right angle worm gearmotors, 1 hp/more (Code 3336127226)
Replacement parts for worm gear products (Code 3336127329)
Encl. concentric/parallel shaft speed reducers/etc., 6 in./less (Code 3336127437)
Encl. concentric/parallel shaft speed reducers/etc., 6 in./more (Code 3336127438)
Concentric and parallel gearmotors, 1 hp/less (Code 3336127441)
Concentric and parallel gearmotors, 1 hp/more to 5 hp (Code 3336127443)
Concentric and parallel gearmotors, 5 hp/more to 20 hp (Code 3336127445)
Concentric and parallel gearmotors, more than 20 hp (Code 3336127447)
Planetary/cycloidal/epicyclic/chain/cam reducers/gearmotors (Code 333612744G)
Replace. parts, concentric/parallel shaft speed reducers/etc. (Code 333612744R)
Shaft-mounted speed reducers/etc., max. bore 2.756 in./less (Code 3336127553)
Shaft-mounted speed reducers/etc., max. bore 2.756 in./more (Code 3336127555)
Replace. parts, shaft-mounted speed reducers/etc. (Code 3336127559)
Ind. high-speed drives, fixed ratio ( 5,000 ft/minute/more) (Code 3336127666)
Offset parallel shaft speed reducers, low-speed 15 in./less (Code 3336127771)
Offset parallel shaft speed reducers, low-speed 15 in./more (Code 3336127773)
Right angle, single reduction speed reducers, other than worm (Code 3336127776)
Replacement parts, offset parallel/right angle speed reducers (Code 3336127879)
Mechanical adjustable speed drives, excluding parts (Code 3336127983)
Parts for mechanical adjustable speed drives (Code 3336127A88)
All other misc. geared speed changers/etc. (incl. parts) (Code 3336127B99)
Plain bearings and bushings (excluding engines) (Code 3336131100)
Plain bearings, mounted (except engine) (Code 3336131151)
Friction-type clutches and brakes (Code 3336133111)
Hydraulic-type clutches and brakes, incl. hydraulic couplings (Code 3336133213)
All other clutches and brakes (Code 3336133219)
Gear-type flexible couplings (Code 3336133327)
Flexible couplings other than gear-type (Code 3336133329)
Roller chains for sprocket drives, meeting ASME/ANSI stds. (Code 3336133444)
Other chains for sprocket drives (Code 3336133545)
Single drive sheaves (Code 3336133648)
Multiple drive sheaves (Code 3336133649)
Universal joints (Code 3336133756)
Sprockets (Code 3336133763)
Pulleys (Code 3336133767)
Marine propulsion gear transmissions and drives (Code 3336133802)
All other misc. mech. power trans. equip., exc. parts (Code 3336133792)
Parts for mechanical power transmission equipment (Code 3336133803)
Gasoline and gas-gasoline engines, excluding aircraft, automobile, highway truck, bus, tank, and outboard marine (Code 3336181100)
Diesel, semidiesel, and dual-fuel engines, excluding automobile, highway truck, bus, and tank (Code 3336183100)
Diesel, semidiesel, and dual-fuel engines for automobiles, highway trucks, and buses (Code 3336185100)
Piston-type natural gas engines, including liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) engines, excluding gas turbines (Code 3336189100)
Tank engines, except gas turbines (Code 333618B101)
Converted internal combustion engines (Code 333618B106)
Outboard motors (including electric) (Code 333618B108)
All other miscellaneous engine equipment (Code 333618B110)
Connecting rods for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F101)
Engine crankshafts for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F106)
Engine camshafts for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F111)
Flywheels, internal combustion engines, exc. aircraft/etc. (Code 333618F116)
Main engine bearings for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F121)
Connecting rod bearings for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F126)
Other engine bearings (halves) for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F131)
Oil pumps, new, for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F136)
Fuel pumps, new, for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F141)
Water pumps, new, for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F146)
Engine blocks for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F151)
Cylinder liners (sleeves) for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F156)
Cylinder heads, internal combustion engines, exc. aircraft/etc. (Code 333618F161)
Intake & exhaust manifolds for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F166)
Valve guides, seats, & tappets for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F171)
Rocker arms and parts for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F176)
Engine speed governors for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F186)
Superchargers, internal combustion engines, exc. aircraft/etc. (Code 333618F196)
Other parts/etc., internal combustion eng., exc. aircraft/etc. (Code 333618F199)
Fuel injection systems for internal combustion engines (Code 333618F281)
Domestic water systems (pumps for farm and home use), excluding irrigation pumps (Code 3339112100)
Domestic sump pumps (1 hp or less) (including the value of the driver if shipped as a complete unit) (Code 3339113100)
Oil-well and oil-field pumps, excluding boiler feed (including the value of the driver) (Code 3339114100)
Centrifugal pumps (Code 3339116101)
Vertical turbine pumps (Code 3339116102)
Reciprocating pumps (Code 3339116103)
Diaphragm pumps (Code 3339116104)
Rotary pumps (Code 3339116105)
Other industrial pumps, including value of drivers (excluding hydraulic fluid power pumps) (Code 3339116106)
Other pumps, excluding packaged pumps, hand pumps, automotive circulating pumps, locomotive pumps (Code 3339117100)
Locomotive fuel lubricating or cooling medium pumps (Code 3339118105)
Parts and attachments for pumps and pumping equipment, excluding for hydraulic fluid power compressors (Code 3339118133)
Air compressors, including value of drivers (Code 3339121101)
Gas compressors, including value of drivers (Code 3339121102)
Other air and gas compressors, including value of drivers (excluding compressors for ice making, refrigeration) (Code 3339121103)
Vacuum pumps (compressors), including value of drivers (excluding laboratory) (Code 3339121220)
Parts and attachments for air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps (excluding refrigeration equipment) (Code 3339125100)
Ind. power paint spraying outfits & other liquid power sprayers (Code 3339127131)
Industrial hand sprayers, except agricultural and flame (Code 3339127151)
Parts and attachments for industrial spraying equipment, sold separately (Code 3339127199)
Single unit gas. dispensing pumps, computing type, w/ suction (Code 3339130113)
Single unit gas. dispensing pumps, computing, w/out suction (Code 3339130114)
Multiple unit gas. dispensing pumps, computing, w/ suction (Code 3339130223)
Multiple unit gas. dispensing pumps, computing, w/out suction (Code 3339130224)
Lubricating oil pumps, barrel pumps, grease guns, and all other miscellaneous measuring and dispensing pumps (Code 3339130355)
Parts and attachments for measuring and dispensing pumps (Code 3339130391)
Geared electric passenger elevators (excluding farm, portable, and residential lifts) (Code 3339211101)
Gearless electric passenger elevators (excluding farm, portable, and residential lifts) (Code 3339211106)
Hydraulic passenger elevators (excluding farm and portable) (Code 3339211211)
Electric freight elevators (excluding farm and portable) (Code 3339211316)
Hydraulic freight elevators (excluding farm and portable) (Code 3339211321)
Automobile lifts (service station and garage-type) (Code 3339211326)
Moving stairways, escalators, and moving walkways (Code 3339211331)
Other nonfarm elevators (including sidewalk elevators, dumb waiters, man lifts, etc.) (Code 3339211336)
Parts for automobile lifts (service station and garage-type) (Code 3339213101)
Parts for passenger and freight elevators and escalators (Code 3339213106)
Unit handling gravity conveyors and conveying systems (skate wheel and roller) (Code 3339221201)
Light- to medium-duty unit handling trolley conveyors (Code 3339221106)
Heavy-duty unit handling trolley conveyors/conveying systems (Code 3339221311)
Unit handling tow conveyors and conveying systems (Code 3339221416)
Light- to-medium-duty unit handling powered conveyors, belt (Code 3339221421)
Light- to-medium-duty unit handling powered conveyors, roller (Code 3339221426)
Heavy-duty unit handling powered conveyors/conveying, belt (Code 3339221431)
Heavy-duty unit handling powered conveyors/conveying, roller (Code 3339221436)
Unit handling pneumatic tube conveyors & conveying systems (Code 3339221441)
Unit handling portable conveyors and conveying systems (Code 3339221446)
Unit handling carousel conveyors and conveying systems (Code 3339221451)
All other unit handling conveyors and conveying systems, belt (Code 3339221456)
All other unit handling conveyors/conveying system, exc. belt (Code 3339221461)
Parts, attachments, and accessories for unit handling conveyors and conveying systems (sold separately) (Code 3339223100)
Bulk material handling belt conveyors and conveying systems (Code 3339228101)
Bulk material handling screw conveyors/conveying systems (Code 3339228206)
Bulk material handling bucket elevators and elevator systems (Code 3339228211)
Bulk material handling portable conveyors/conveying systems (Code 3339228221)
Bulk material handling en masse conveyors/conveying syst. (Code 3339228226)
Bulk material handling vibrating conveyors/conveying systems (Code 3339228231)
Bulk handling conveyors/conveying systems, underground use (Code 3339228236)
Other bulk handling conveyors and conveying systems (Code 3339228241)
Farm conveyors, elevators, and stackers, single- and double-chain-type (Code 3339228653)
Farm conveyors, elevators, and stackers, auger-type (Code 3339228655)
Other farm elevators, conveyors, and stackers (Code 3339228657)
Bulk material handling loading and storing traveling stackers (Code 3339228276)
Other bulk material handling loading and storing systems (Code 3339228281)
Bulk material handling pneumatic conveyors/conveying syst. (Code 3339228316)
Bulk material handling unloading & reclaiming vibrating feeders (Code 3339228466)
All other bulk material handling unloading/reclaiming systems (Code 3339228469)
Belt conveyor idlers, bulk material handling conveyors/etc. (Code 3339229101)
Belt conveyor pulleys, bulk material handling conveyors/etc. (Code 3339229106)
All other parts, bulk mat. handling conveyors/conveying syst. (Code 3339229211)
Chain hand hoists (Code 3339231101)
Ratchet lever hand hoists (Code 3339231106)
Wire rope puller hand hoists (Code 3339231111)
Electric (roller and link) chain hoists (Code 3339231116)
Other hoists, powered by electric motor (Code 3339231121)
Electric wire rope hoists (excluding hand, mine shaft, and slope wire rope hoists) (Code 3339231131)
Air or other nonelectric chain hoists (excluding hand) (Code 3339231141)
Air and other nonelectric wire rope hoists (excluding hand, mine shaft, and slope wire rope hoists) (Code 3339231146)
Other hoists, not powered by electric motor (Code 3339231152)
Parts and attachments for hoists (sold separately) (Code 3339231261)
Single top running bridge-type overhead traveling cranes (excluding construction power cranes) (Code 3339233101)
Under running bridge-type overhead traveling cranes (excluding construction power cranes) (Code 3339233111)
Gantry-type overhead traveling cranes (excluding construction power cranes) (Code 3339233116)
Stacker-storage-type overhead traveling cranes (excluding construction power cranes) (Code 3339233121)
Other overhead traveling cranes on fixed support (Code 3339233131)
Other overhead traveling cranes (Code 3339233136)
Buckets, grabs, and grips (Code 3339233141)
Monorail systems (manual and powered) (Code 3339233156)
Double top running bridge-type overhead traveling cranes (excluding construction power cranes) (Code 3339233206)
Other parts and attachments for overhead traveling cranes (sold separately) (Code 3339233346)
Parts and attachments for monorail systems (sold separately) (Code 3339233361)
Personnel aerial work platforms (excluding parts) (Code 3339237110)
Winches for mounting on wheel and machinery for mounting, winches (towing, logging, and oilfield types) (Code 3339237231)
Crawler tractors and other prime movers (complete units), and other materials-handling machinery for mounting (Code 3339237239)
Electric winches, including marine use (excluding winches for tractor mounting and parts) (Code 3339237353)
Other winches, including automobile hoists used on tow trucks (Code 3339237358)
Parts for winches for mounting on tractors and other prime movers (sold separately) (Code 3339237493)
Parts for winches for aerial work platforms and automobile hoists (sold separately) (Code 3339237495)
Fork lift work trucks, operating riding, self-prop., elec. motor (Code 3339242101)
Other work trucks fitted w/ lifting & handling equipment (Code 3339242104)
Nonriding fork lift/other work trucks, w/ lifting equip., elec. (Code 3339242208)
Fork lift work trucks, operator riding, self-propelled, gasoline (Code 3339242212)
Fork lift/other work trucks, internal combustion engine/nonelec. (Code 3339242216)
Fork lift work trucks, operator riding, self-propelled, diesel (Code 3339242321)
Nonriding fork lift/other work trucks, w/ lifting/hand. equip. (Code 3339242424)
Fork lift work trucks, operator riding, self-propelled, LPG (Code 3339242528)
Fork lift work trucks, other internal combustion engine/nonelec. (Code 3339242532)
Not self-prop. fork lift/other work trucks w/ lifting/hand. equip (Code 3339242536)
Work trucks/tractors not fitted w/ lifting/hand. equip., elec. (Code 3339242541)
Other work trucks/tractors not w/ lifting/hand. equip., electric (Code 3339242544)
Work trucks/etc. not w/ lifting equip., int. comb. eng./nonelec. (Code 3339242548)
Other work trucks/etc. not w/ lifting/etc., int. comb./nonelec. (Code 3339242552)
Work trucks/tractors not w/ lifting/hand. equip., not self-prop. (Code 3339242556)
Mobile straddle carriers and cranes (Code 3339242661)
Portable elevators-stackers (except farm type) (Code 3339242664)
Palletizers and depalletizers (pallet loaders and unloaders) (Code 3339242668)
Scissors type hydraulic lift tables (Code 3339242672)
Other hydraulic lift tables (electrohydraulic lift platforms) (Code 3339242676)
Dock boards (industrial loading ramps, hinged loading ramps) (Code 3339242681)
Automatic stacking machines (Code 3339242684)
Trailers and semitrailers for use with works tractors (Code 3339242688)
Other hand carts and vehicles (Code 3339242692)
Other related articles (Code 3339242696)
Parts/attachments, ind. work trucks w/ lifting/handling equip. (Code 3339243101)
Parts and attachments for other industrial stacker vehicles (Code 3339243106)
Parts and attachments for stacker machinery, except vehicles (Code 3339243111)
Pneumatic percussion hand tools (including runners, riveters, chippers, and scalers) (Code 3339911101)
Pneumatic drills, screwdrivers, and nut-runners (Code 3339911106)
Pneumatic hand impact wrenches (Code 3339911111)
Pneumatic rotary hand grinders, polishers, and sanders (Code 3339911116)
Other pneumatic hand grinders, polishers, sanders, and powder-actuated handtools and parts (Code 3339911123)
Pneumatic hand staplers (Code 3339911126)
Pneumatic hand nailers (Code 3339911131)
Other pneumatic-powered handtools (Code 3339911136)
Parts/attachments/accessories, pneumatic-powered handtools (Code 3339911141)
Power-actuated handtools and parts (Code 3339911146)
Hydraulic power-driven handtools (Code 3339911151)
Parts, attachments, and accessories for hydraulic handtools (Code 3339911156)
Internal combustion engine driven chain saws (Code 3339913101)
Other internal combustion engine-driven handtools (Code 3339913106)
Parts/etc., internal combustion engine-driven chain saws (Code 3339913111)
Parts/etc., all other internal combustion engine-driven tools (Code 3339913116)
Battery-powered (cordless) screwdrivers (without 3-jaw chuck) (Code 3339917101)
Battery-powered (cordless) driver-drills (Code 3339917106)
Battery-powered (cordless) drills (Code 3339917111)
Battery-powered, cordless handsaws (Code 3339917116)
Other battery-powered (cordless) handtools (Code 3339917121)
Parts, attachments, and accessories for battery-powered (cordless) handtools (sold separately) (Code 3339917126)
Drills (excluding battery powered) (Code 3339919101)
Electric hand jig/saber saws, armature on ball bearings (Code 3339919104)
Electric hand circular saws, armature on sleeve bearings (Code 3339919108)
Electric hand jig/saber saws, armature not on ball bearings (Code 3339919112)
Electric hand reciprocating saws (except battery-powered) (Code 3339919116)
Electric hand circular saws, 7 in. blade/less (exc. battery) (Code 3339919121)
Electric hand circular saws, 7 in./more to 8 in./less blade (Code 3339919124)
Electric hand circular saws, 8 in. blade/more (exc. battery) (Code 3339919128)
Electric hammers, percussion and rotary, w/out drill chuck (Code 3339919132)
Electric screwdrivers and nut-runners (excluding battery-powered) (Code 3339919136)
Electric hammers-drills, w/ drill chuck (exc. battery-powered) (Code 3339919141)
Electric hand right angle polishers, circular sanders, and grinders, less than 7 in. wheel drive (Code 3339919144)
Electric hand impact wrenches (except battery-powered) (Code 3339919148)
Electric hand right angle polishers/etc., 7 in./more wheel drive (Code 3339919152)
Electric hand shears and nibblers (excluding battery-powered) (Code 3339919156)
All other electric hand polishers, circular sanders, and grinders, including die grinders (excluding bench) (Code 3339919161)
Electric hand planers (except battery-powered) (Code 3339919164)
Electric hand belt sanders (excluding battery-powered) (Code 3339919168)
Parts, attachments, and accessories for electric-powered handtools (excluding battery powered) (sold separately) (Code 3339919172)
Electric hand chain saws (excluding battery-powered) (Code 3339919176)
Electric hand oscillating, reciprocating, vibrating, and random orbit sanders (excluding battery powered) (Code 3339919181)
Electric hand routers, less than 1/2 in. collet size (maximum collet capacity) (excluding battery-powered) (Code 3339919188)
Electric hand routers, 1/2 in. collet size (maximum collet capacity) or more (excluding battery-powered) (Code 3339919192)
Other electric-powered handtools (excluding battery-powered) (Code 3339919199)
Direct current arc welding generators, exc. stud welding equip. (Code 3339921101)
Rectifier-type direct current arc welders, fully/partly auto. (Code 3339921106)
Rectifier-type direct current arc welders, not fully/part auto. (Code 3339921111)
Auto./semiauto. wire drive apparatus/etc., arc welding mach. (Code 3339921126)
Special-purpose automatic arc welding apparatus (Code 3339921131)
Auto./semiauto. welding torches/guns/etc., arc welding mach. (Code 3339921136)
Circuit welding accessories (electrode holders, etc.) (Code 3339921141)
Positioning/manipulating arc welding equip. (turn rolls, etc.) (Code 3339921146)
Alternating current transformer arc welding machines (Code 3339921151)
Complete direct current arc welding units (exc. stud welding) (Code 3339921156)
All other components/accessories for arc welding machinery (Code 3339921161)
Mild steel arc welding stick electrodes, except hard facing (Code 3339923101)
Low alloy steel arc welding stick electrodes, exc. hard facing (Code 3339923106)
Stainless steel low alloy steel arc welding stick electrodes (Code 3339923111)
Nonferrous metal arc welding stick electrodes, exc. hard facing (Code 3339923116)
Hard facing metal arc welding stick electrodes (solid/etc.) (Code 3339923121)
Mild steel coil/spool cont. solid wire elect., auto. arc/etc. (Code 3339923126)
Low alloy steel coil/spool cont. solid wire elect., auto. arc (Code 3339923131)
Stainless steel coil/spool cont. solid wire elect., auto. arc (Code 3339923136)
Nonferr. metal coiled/spooled cont. solid wire elect., auto. arc (Code 3339923141)
Hard facing coiled/spooled cont. metal wire elect., auto. arc (Code 3339923146)
Coiled/spooled cont. cored metal wire elect., auto. arc/etc. (Code 3339923151)
Spot and projection resistance welders, single electrode (Code 3339927101)
Spot and projection resistance welders, multielectrode (Code 3339927106)
Seam resistance welders (Code 3339927111)
Other resistance welders, incl. flash, upset, & butt welders (Code 3339927116)
Resistance welder transformers (sold separately) (Code 3339927121)
Resistance welder electrodes (Code 3339927126)
Resistance welder components and accessories (Code 3339927131)
Gas welding and cutting torches (including gas air torches) (Code 3339929101)
Gas cutting machines and carriages, stationary and portable (Code 3339929106)
Other gas welding and cutting equipment, excluding pressure containers (Code 3339929112)
Tips for gas welding and cutting equipment (sold separately) (Code 3339929116)
Pressure regulators for gas welding and cutting equipment (sold separately) (Code 3339929121)
All other spare parts, accessories, attachments, adaptors, etc., for gas welding and cutting equipment (Code 3339929126)
Stud welding equip. (exc. arc/resistance/gas welding equip.) (Code 333992A101)
Industrial welding laser systems and equipment (Code 333992A116)
Plasma welding & cutting equipment, fully or partly automatic (Code 333992A121)
Plasma welding & cutting equip., exc. fully/partly automatic (Code 333992A126)
All other miscellaneous welding equipment (including friction) (Code 333992A132)
Soldering equipment (except hand and ultrasonic) (Code 333992A141)
Components and accessories for all other welding equipment (Code 333992A146)
Cartoning, multipacking, and leaflet-coupon placing machinery (excluding parts) (Code 3339931103)
Thermoforming, blister, and skin machinery, including carded display machinery (excluding parts) (Code 3339931207)
Bag (pre-form) opening, filling, and closing machinery/systems (Code 3339931311)
Vacuum/gas/other mod. atmosphere laminating/bagging mach. (Code 3339931315)
Horiz. bag/pouch form/fill/seal mach. (performs all 3 functions) (Code 3339931319)
Vert. bag/pouch form/fill/seal mach. (performs all 3 functions) (Code 3339931321)
Adhesive devices, packing/pkg./bottling mach. (exc. parts) (Code 3339931426)
Mach. for cleaning/drying bottles/other containers (exc. parts) (Code 3339931433)
Bottling and canning machinery (except parts) (Code 3339931437)
Dry products filling machinery (free and nonfree flowing) (Code 3339931544)
Liquids and dry viscous products filling machinery, including by count machinery (excluding bags and parts) (Code 3339931546)
Glass and plastics container and can capping, sealing, and lidding machinery (excluding filling, bottling parts) (Code 3339931651)
Labeling machinery (all types of applications and methods) (excluding parts) (Code 3339931755)
Coding, dating, imprinting, jet printing, marking, and stamping machinery (excluding parts) (Code 3339931859)
Corrugated and solid fiber case and tray forming, loading, and sealing machinery (excluding parts) (Code 3339931963)
Accumulating, collating, feeding, and unscrambling machinery, including testing, inspecting, detecting (Code 3339931A72)
Testing/inspecting/other quality control devices (exc. parts) (Code 3339931A71)
Paper, film, and foil wrapping machines, all types (Code 3339931B75)
Shrink & stretch film overwrapping, banding, & bundling mach. (Code 3339931B79)
Palletizing/depalletizing/pallet unitizing machinery (Code 3339931B83)
All other miscellaneous packing, packaging, and bottling machinery or systems and combination of equipment (Code 3339931C99)
Parts for packing, packaging, and bottling machinery (Code 3339935100)
Fuel-fired industrial metal processing/heat treating furnaces (Code 3339940103)
Fuel-fired metal processing/heat treating furnaces/ovens/kilns (Code 3339940106)
All other misc. fuel-fired industrial furnaces, ovens, and kilns (Code 3339940109)
Parts and attachments for industrial fuel-fired furnaces, ovens, and kilns (Code 3339940214)
High-frequency induction and dielectric heating equipment, including furnaces, ovens, and kilns (Code 3339940323)
Elec. resistance-heated metal process/heat treating furnaces (Code 3339940429)
Electric resistance-heated furnaces, ovens, and kilns (Code 3339940431)
Electric (excluding high-frequency induction and dielectric and resistance-heated) metal processing (Code 3339940535)
Electric furnaces/ovens for diffusion/etc., semiconductor wafers (Code 3339940639)
All other misc. electric ind. furnaces/ovens/kilns (exc. parts) (Code 3339940653)
Parts and attachments for electric industrial furnaces, ovens, and kilns, including high-frequency induction (Code 3339940759)
Industrial electric tubular heaters (Code 3339940871)
All other misc. electrical heating equipment for industrial use (Code 3339940875)
Parts and attachments for electric industrial tubular heaters and all other miscellaneous heating equipment (Code 3339940979)
Nonaerospace-type hydraulic fluid power cylinders, excluding tie-rod types, less than 1500 psi (Code 3339951110)
Nonaerospace-type hydraulic fluid power cylinders, excluding tie-rod types, 1500 to 3000 psi (Code 3339951120)
Nonaerospace-type hydraulic fluid power cylinders, excluding tie-rod types, greater than 3000 psi (Code 3339951130)
Nonaerospace-type hydraulic fluid power cylinders, excluding electrohydraulic tie-rod types, other (Code 3339951140)
Nonaerospace-type hydraulic fluid power cylinders and actuators, linear and rotary (Code 3339951150)
Nonaerospace-type hydraulic fluid power cylinders and actuators, linear and rotary, telescoping (Code 3339951160)
Nonaerospace-type hydraulic fluid power cylinders and actuators, linear and rotary, mill-type (Code 3339951170)
Nonaerospace-type hydraulic fluid power cylinders and actuators, linear and rotary, other (Code 3339951180)
Nonaerospace-type hydraulic fluid power cylinders and actuators, linear and rotary, electrohydraulic types (Code 3339951190)
Nonaerospace-type hydraulic fluid power rotary actuators (Code 33399511A0)
Nonaerospace-type NFPA interchangeable cylinders, steel (Code 3339953110)
Nonaerospace-type NFPA interchangeable cylinders, aluminum, less than 1 1/2" bore size (Code 3339953120)
Nonaerospace-type NFPA interchangeable cylinders, aluminum, 1 1/2" bore size and over (Code 3339953130)
Nonaerospace-type rodless cylinders (Code 3339953140)
Other nonaerospace-type pneumatic cylinders, less than 1 1/2" bore size (Code 3339953150)
Other nonaerospace-type pneumatic cylinders, 1 1/2" bore size and over (Code 3339953160)
Nonaerospace-type pneumatic rotary actuators (Code 3339953170)
Parts for aerospace- and nonaerospace-type cylinders and actuators, accumulators (Code 3339955110)
Parts for aerospace- and nonaerospace-type cylinders and actuators, shock absorbers, not for vehicle suspension (Code 3339955120)
Parts for aerospace- and nonaerospace-type cylinders and actuators; reservoirs, intensifiers (Code 3339955130)
Parts for nonaerospace-type hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders, actuators, accumulators, and shock absorbers (Code 3339955140)
Parts for aerospace-type hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders, actuators, accumulators, and cushions (Code 3339955150)
Aerospace-type cylinders and actuators, servo-actuator assemblies (linear and rotary), mechanical input (Code 3339957110)
Aerospace-type cylinders and actuators, servo-actuator assemblies (linear and rotary), electrical input (Code 3339957120)
Aerospace-type cylinders and actuators, servo-actuator assemblies (linear and rotary), combination input (Code 3339957130)
Aerospace-type cylinders and actuators, hydraulic utilities actuators, linear actuators (cylinders) (Code 3339957140)
Aerospace-type cylinders and actuators, hydraulic utilities actuators, rotary actuators (limited rotation) (Code 3339957150)
Aerospace-type cylinders and actuators, shock absorbers, snubbers, and cushions (all types) (Code 3339957160)
Aerospace-type fluid power pneumatic actuators (linear and rotary) (Code 3339957170)
Aerospace-type fluid power cylinders and actuators, accumulators (bladder, piston, and other types) (Code 3339957180)
Aerospace-type cylinders and actuators, reservoirs, intensifiers, and other devices for fluid energy absorption (Code 3339957190)
Other aerospace-type fluid power cylinders, rotary actuators, cushions and related items (Code 33399571A0)
Nonaerospace-type reciprocating fluid power pumps, closed loop variable displacement axial piston (Code 3339961110)
Nonaerospace-type reciprocating fluid power pumps, open loop variable displacement axial piston (Code 3339961120)
Nonaerospace-type reciprocating fluid power pumps, fixed displacement axial piston (Code 3339961130)
Nonaerospace-type reciprocating fluid power pumps, radial piston (Code 3339961140)
Nonaerospace-type rotary and other fluid power pumps, internal gear, including gerotors (Code 3339963110)
Nonaerospace-type rotary and other fluid power pumps, external gear (Code 3339963120)
Nonaerospace-type rotary and other fluid power pumps, fixed and variable displacement vanes (Code 3339963150)
Nonaerospace-type fluid power motors, pneumatic (air) (Code 3339965110)
Nonaerospace-type fluid power hydraulic motors, internal, excluding gerotor gear types (Code 3339965120)
Nonaerospace-type fluid power hydraulic motors, gerotor gear-types (Code 3339965130)
Nonaerospace-type fluid power hydraulic motors, external gear (Code 3339965140)
Nonaerospace-type fluid power motors, vane types, fixed and variable (Code 3339965150)
Nonaerospace-type fluid power motors, radial piston-types, fixed and variable (Code 3339965160)
Nonaerospace-type fluid power motors, fixed axial piston displacement (Code 3339965170)
Nonaerospace-type fluid power motors, variable axial piston displacement (Code 3339965180)
Nonaerospace-type fluid power motors, prime movers shipped with pumps or sold separately (Code 3339965190)
Aerospace-type fluid power hydraulic pumps, fixed and variable displacement types (Code 3339967110)
Aerospace-type fluid power hydraulic pump/electric motor assemblies, fixed and variable displacement types (Code 3339967120)
Other aerospace-type fluid power pump packages (Code 3339967130)
Aerospace-type fluid power motors, all kinds (Code 3339967170)
Parts for nonaerospace-type, hydraulic fluid power pumps, motors, and hydrostatic transmissions (Code 3339969110)
Parts for aerospace-type, hydraulic fluid power pumps, motors, and hydrostatic transmissions (Code 3339969120)
Parts for nonaerospace-type, pneumatic fluid power pumps, motors, and hydrostatic transmissions (Code 3339969130)
Parts for aerospace-type, pneumatic fluid power pumps, motors, and hydrostatic transmissions (Code 3339969140)
Motor truck scales (Code 3339972101)
Railroad track scales (Code 3339972103)
Industrial bench and portable scales (Code 3339972205)
Industrial floor scales, dormant, pitless (Code 3339972207)
Automatic checkweigher and bulkweigher scales (Code 3339972209)
Industrial over-under (predetermined weight) scales (Code 3339971211)
Industrial counting scales (Code 3339971215)
Miscellaneous industrial scales (crane, suspension, tank, hopper, force measuring devices, laboratory scales) (Code 3339972301)
Retail/comm. scales, incl. deli./checkstand/auto. prepack (Code 3339973102)
Household & person-weighing scales (bathroom, etc.) (Code 3339973105)
Mailing and parcel post scales (including handheld scales) (Code 3339974107)
Balances with or without weights (of all sensitivities), excluding laboratory (Code 3339974109)
Printers for scales and balances (sold separately) (Code 3339976101)
Digital indicators for scales and balances (sold separately) (Code 3339976103)
Other accessories and attachments for scales and balances (sold separately) (Code 3339976105)
Parts for scales and balances (sold for assembly elsewhere, repair, service, etc.) (Code 3339976107)
Filter and strainer assemblies, with or without filter element installed, for water (Code 3339991104)
Filter and strainer assemblies, with or without filter element installed, for fluids other than water (Code 3339991108)
Reusable (cleanable) media for filters and strainers, excluding for fluid power (Code 3339991111)
Nonreusable media for filters and strainers, including disposable (throwaway) litter cartridges (Code 3339991212)
Parts and accessories for filters and strainers, excluding for fluid power systems (sold separately) (Code 3339991389)
Hydraulic fluid filter assemblies, low pressure (below 301 psi), nonaerospace (Code 3339993110)
Hydraulic fluid filter assemblies, medium pressure (301 to 2,999 psi), nonaerospace (Code 3339993120)
Hydraulic fluid filter assemblies, high pressure (3,000 psi and above), nonaerospace (Code 3339993130)
Filter replacement elements, reusable (cleanable)-type, nonaerospace (Code 3339993140)
Filter replacement elements, nonreusable-type, nonaerospace (Code 3339993150)
Filter replacement elements, strainers and separators, filter parts, and accessories, nonaerospace (Code 3339993160)
Air supply filter assemblies and elements, coalescing types, including elements sold separately, nonaerospace (Code 3339994110)
Air supply filter assemblies and elements, other types, including elements sold separately, nonaerospace (Code 3339994120)
Air supply filter assembly and elements, air exhaust mufflers, diffusers, and filter parts, nonaerospace (Code 3339994130)
Filters for hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power systems, aerospace, hydraulic types (Code 3339996110)
Filters for hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power systems, aerospace, pneumatic types (Code 3339996120)
Industrial robots, attachments, and parts (Code 3339997109)
Gas separating equipment (Code 3339997218)
Centrifugals (including laboratory centrifuges) and separators (excluding cream, grain, and berry) (Code 3339997321)
Steam and vapor separators (Code 3339997425)
Sifting and screening machines (Code 3339997436)
All other miscellaneous separatory products for general industrial use, incl separating solids, liquids, and gases (Code 3339997446)
Parts for products used for separating solids, liquids, and gases (excluding filters and strainers) (Code 3339997451)
Gas generating equipment (Code 3339997556)
Mixers for general industrial processes, solids or liquids (Code 3339997661)
Automatic fire sprinklers (Code 3339997763)
Compressed air and gas dryers (Code 3339997876)
Lubricators for pneumatic systems, sold separately (Code 3339997877)
Lubricating systems, industrial, centralized and automatic, for other than pneumatic systems (complete units) (Code 3339997983)
Metal baling presses (Code 3339997986)
Hydraulic jacks (Code 3339997989)
Screwjacks (except automotive) (Code 3339997991)
All other misc. mach. for general ind. use (complete units) (Code 3339997994)
Metal bellows, industrial-type (Code 3339997997)
Parts for all other miscellaneous general industrial machinery and equipment (Code 3339997998)
All other miscellaneous machinery products, excluding electrical (Code 333999A100)