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(with Codes)
Hospital beds (Code 3391134101)
Hospital furniture, operating room (including cabinets, cases, and tables) (Code 3391134102)
Hospital furniture, patient room, except beds and chairs (Code 3391116105)
Hospital furniture, other types (Code 3391116109)
Laboratory furniture, including parts (sold separately) (Code 3391118120)
Laboratory and scientific apparatus (Code 3391118240)
Surgical instruments, incl. suture needles, etc. (Code 3391120101)
Orthopedic instruments, exc. ear/eye/nose/throat instruments (Code 3391120106)
Surgical/medical Diagnosis apparatus, metabolism/blood pressure (Code 3391120211)
Surgical/medical diagnostic apparatus, oth. types (inc. optical) (Code 3391120216)
Surgical and medical syringes (Code 3391120321)
Surgical and medical hypodermic needles (Code 3391120326)
Surgical and medical blood transfusion and IV equipment, including blood donor kits (Code 3391120431)
Surgical and medical catheters (Code 3391120536)
Surgical and medical apparatus and instruments, anesthetic (Code 3391120641)
Surgical and medical apparatus, mechanical therapy (Code 3391120651)
Surgical and medical internal fixation devices (bone nails, plates, and screws, etc.) (Code 3391120646)
Surgical and medical apparatus and instruments, all other types, excluding parts (Code 3391120671)
Surgical and medical apparatus and instruments, parts (Code 3391120766)
Artificial joints (Code 3391132101)
Artificial limbs (Code 3391132104)
Orthopedic and prosthetic braces, mechanical (Code 3391132207)
Orthopedic and prosthetic braces, suspensories, and supports, elastic (Code 3391132211)
Orthopedic and prosthetic elastic stockings (Code 3391132214)
Orthopedic and prosthetic splints and trusses (Code 3391132221)
Orthopedic and prosthetic walking assistance appliances (crutches, canes, etc.) (Code 3391132224)
Orthopedic and prosthetic foot appliances (arch supports, etc.) (Code 3391132227)
Orthopedic and prosthetic appliances, all other types, including surgical corsets (Code 3391132235)
Intraocular lenses (Code 3391132231)
Surgical dressings, bandages, elastic (Code 3391132737)
Surgical dressings, bandages, other types (including muslin and plaster of Paris), excluding self-adhering (Code 3391132741)
Surgical dressings, adhesive plaster, medicated and non-medicated, including self-adhering (Code 3391132744)
Surgical dressings, gauze, absorbent and packing (Code 3391132747)
Surgical dressings, cotton, sterile and non-sterile, including cotton balls (Code 3391132751)
Surgical dressings, other types (including compresses, pads, and sponges) (Code 3391132754)
Surgical drapes, disposable, incl. obstetric/operating room packs (Code 3391132457)
Hydrotherapy appliances, including full-body and limb tanks (Code 3391132581)
Therapeutic appliances and supplies, other types (Code 3391132584)
Surgical kits (Code 3391132587)
Stents (Code 3391132788)
Surgical appliances and supplies, all other types, except parts (Code 3391132592)
Surgical appliances and supplies, parts (Code 3391132594)
Surgical dressings, sutures (Code 3391132711)
Surgical gloves, rubber, including household gloves (Code 3391132721)
Breathing devices (including incubators, inhalators, respirators, and resuscitators), excl anesthetic apparatus (Code 3391132731)
Wheelchairs (Code 3391132674)
Patient transport devices, other types, except wheelchairs (Code 3391132677)
Personal safety equipment, respiratory protection (including abrasive, canister, and gas masks) (Code 3391136101)
Personal safety equipment, industrial helmets and hardhats (Code 3391136106)
Personal safety equipment, eye and face protection (including face shields, masks, and welding helmets) (Code 3391136111)
Personal safety equipment, industrial rubber gloves (Code 3391136114)
Personal safety equipment, protective clothing (excluding footwear and gloves), including rubber and rubberized (Code 3391136116)
Personal safety equipment, first aid, snake bite, and burn kits (Code 3391136121)
Personal safety equipment, all other types, including life preservers and auto racing and motorcycle helmets (Code 3391136141)
Dental chairs (Code 3391141101)
Dental instrument delivery systems (dental units) (Code 3391141106)
Dental hand pieces (Code 3391141111)
Dental hand instruments, incl. broaches/cutting/forceps/pliers (Code 3391141116)
Dental equipment, professional, other types, incl. lasers, excl. X-ray equipment (Code 3391141121)
Dental tools for use w/ dental hand pieces, incl. burs, etc. (Code 3391141226)
Dental alloys for amalgams (Code 3391141231)
Dental impression materials, including alginates and silicones (Code 3391141236)
Dental filling materials, cements and other nonmetallic types (Code 3391141241)
Dental supplies, professional, other types (Code 3391141246)
Dental equipment, laboratory (including benches, blow pipes, casting machines, flasks, furnaces, lathes) (Code 3391143101)
Dental metals, precious (including gold, platinum, and silver) (Code 3391143106)
Dental metals, nonprecious (Code 3391143111)
Artificial teeth, not customized for individual App., exc. dentures (Code 3391143116)
Dental supplies, laboratory, other types (Code 3391143121)
Ophthalmic fronts, plastics, finished (Code 3391159101)
Ophthalmic fronts, other materials, finished (Code 3391159102)
Ophthalmic temples (Code 3391159103)
Ophthalmic focal lenses, glass, single-vision (including semifinished, ground and polished, and finished) (Code 3391159110)
Ophthalmic focal lenses, glass, multifocal (including semifinished, ground and polished, and finished) (Code 3391159111)
Ophthalmic focal lenses, plastics, single-vision (including semifinished, ground and polished, and finished) (Code 3391159121)
Ophthalmic focal lenses, plastics, multifocal (including semifinished, ground and polished, and finished) (Code 3391159123)
Ophthalmic focal lenses, contact, hard (conventional) (including semifinished, ground and polished, and finished) (Code 3391159131)
Ophthalmic focal lenses, contact, soft (including semifinished, ground and polished, and finished) (Code 3391159141)
Industrial eye protectors, goggles, mountings, and welding circles and plates (Code 339115B101)
Antiglare glasses, ready-made (including reading, sunglasses, and sun goggles) (Code 339115B106)
Ophthalmic goods, all other types (Code 339115B117)
Ophthalmic focal lenses, prescription, ground, excluding retailing prescription eyeglasses (Code 339115B125)
Orthodontic appliances (artificial teeth, bridges, crowns, dentures, etc.), customized for individual application (Code 3391160100)
Jewelry, gold and platinum, wedding rings, complete (Code 3399111206)
Jewelry, gold and platinum, women's and children's (Code 3399111421)
Jewelry, gold/platinum, rings (college/fraternal/school), comp. (Code 3399111601)
Jewelry, gold and platinum, rings, all other types, complete (Code 3399111611)
Jewelry, gold and platinum, organizational (Code 3399111726)
Jewelry, gold and platinum, all other types (Code 3399111731)
Jewelry, gold and platinum, ring mountings (sold separately) (Code 3399111816)
Jewelry, silver, rings and ring mountings (Code 3399113101)
Jewelry, silver, women's and children's (Code 3399113111)
Jewelry, silver, all other types (Code 3399113121)
Jewelry, Au/Pt/Ag clad to nonprecious metals, rings/mountings (Code 3399115101)
Jewelry, Au/Pt/Ag clad to nonprecious metals, womens'/childrens' (Code 3399115111)
Jewelry, gold/platinum/silver clad nonprec. metals, oth. types (Code 3399115114)
Jewelry, precious metal, engraving and etching (Code 3399115118)
Jewelry, precious/semiprecious stones & nat./cultured pearls (Code 3399115121)
Stamped metal coins, including tokens (Code 3399117100)
Hollowware, precious metal & pewter base, electrosilverplated (Code 3399122106)
Hollowware, pewter, solid (Code 3399122121)
Hollowware, other precious metal and pewter (Code 3399122161)
Hollowware, precious metal and pewter, engraving and etching (Code 3399122181)
Silverware, precious metal/pewter base, electrosilverplated (Code 3399125131)
Silverware (flatware and cutlery), solid sterling silver (Code 3399125151)
Silverware (flatware/cutlery), other solid precious metal/pewter (Code 3399125171)
Silverware, precious metal & pewter, engraving & etching (Code 3399125191)
Lapidary work, excluding for watch jewels (Code 3399104100)
Jewelers' machine chain, gold and platinum (Code 3399133406)
Jewelers' findings and materials, silver (Code 3399133411)
Jewelers' findings/mat., gold/etc. clad to nonprec. metal (Code 3399133416)
Other jewelers' findings and materials, gold and platinum (Code 3399133408)
Other jewelers' findings and materials (Code 3399135100)
Nonprecious metal rings and ring mountings (Code 3399140301)
Nonprecious metal women/children jewelry, exc. rings/mountings (Code 3399140311)
Nonprecious metal organizational jewelry, exc. rings/mountings (Code 3399140316)
Nonprecious metal jewelry, other types (Code 3399140324)
Other jewelry and costume novelties, incl. imitation pearls (Code 3399140426)
Engraving and etching on other jewelry (Code 3399140431)
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(with Codes)
Fishing rods, except fishing rod and reel combinations (Code 3399201101)
Fishing reels, except fishing rod and reel combinations (Code 3399201106)
Fishing rod and reel combinations (Code 3399201111)
Fish hooks, including snelled hooks (Code 3399201116)
Artificial fishing bait, incl. flies/lures/casting plugs/etc. (Code 3399201121)
Fishing tackle boxes (Code 3399201126)
Other fishing equip., incl. bait and fish buckets, creels, etc. (Code 3399201131)
Golf balls (Code 3399203101)
Golf clubs, irons (Code 3399203206)
Golf clubs, woods, including metal (Code 3399203311)
Golf bags (Code 3399203416)
All other golf equipment, excluding apparel and shoes (Code 3399203421)
Playground equipment for home use (including sandboxes, seesaws, slides, and swing sets) (Code 3399205101)
Playground equipment for other uses (including heavy-duty commercial and institutional) (Code 3399205106)
Gymnasium and gymnastic apparatus and equipment (Code 3399207101)
Free weight lifting equipment, incl. belts, benches, & weights (Code 3399207111)
Home gyms and training units (Code 3399207131)
Treadmills (Code 3399207141)
Other exercise, health, and physical fitness equipment (including ab exercisers, cross-country ski exercisers) (Code 3399207191)
Billiard and pool tables (Code 339920A101)
Other billiard & pool equip., incl. balls & cues sold separately (Code 339920A106)
Bowling alleys and bowling pinsetters (Code 339920A111)
Other bowling equipment (incl. pins), excl. apparel and shoes (Code 339920A118)
Bowling balls (Code 339920A116)
Sailboards, surfboards, water skis, and underwater sports equipment (excluding cameras and watches) (Code 339920A119)
Water skis (Code 339920A11F)
Underwater sports equipment, excluding cameras and watches (Code 339920A11L)
Other water sports equip., excl. cameras/watches/shoes/etc. (Code 339920A11N)
Bicycle helmets (Code 339920A11P)
Other sports helmets, exc. auto racing, bicycle, & motorcycle (Code 339920A11R)
Body protective equipment for all sports, excluding helmets (Code 339920A11V)
Metal baseball and softball bats (Code 339920A12C)
Other baseball/football/soccer/etc. equip., exc. apparel/shoes (Code 339920A12H)
Tennis equipment, excluding apparel, nets, and shoes (Code 339920A156)
Archery equipment (Code 339920A166)
Wood and plastics skateboards (Code 339920A186)
Snowboards (Code 339920A193)
Alpine and cross-country snow skis and other snow ski equip. (Code 339920A194)
Other winter sports equipment (including in-line skates, bobsleds, toboggans, ice skates, and hockey equipment) (Code 339920A192)
Above-ground swimming pools, 15 feet or more in diameter, filtered, completely manufactured (Code 339920A197)
Other sporting and athletic equipment (badminton, paint ball, racquetball, squash, table tennis, and roller skates) (Code 339920A199)
Dolls/toy animals/action figures (exc. stuffed), 13 in./taller (Code 3399310106)
Dolls/toy animals/action figures (exc. stuffed), 13 in./shorter (Code 3399310111)
Stuffed dolls (Code 3399310301)
Stuffed toy animals (Code 3399310321)
Other stuffed toys (Code 3399310326)
Parts, dolls/toy animals/action figures, incl. accessories/etc. (Code 3399310516)
Baby carriages and strollers (Code 3399322101)
Plastics tricycles, including chain and pedal driven (Code 3399322106)
Parts for children's vehicles, sold separately (Code 3399322111)
Other children's vehicles, excl. bicycles with pneumatic tires (Code 3399322131)
Elect. model trains/railroads, incl. individual units/kits/sets/etc. (Code 3399326102)
Other operating models, incl. individual units/kits/sets/access. (Code 3399326106)
Plastics models, static, incl. individual units/kits/sets/accessories (Code 3399326116)
Other models, static type, incl. individual units/kits/sets/access. (Code 3399326118)
Components and accessories for models (Code 3399326121)
Craft kits/supplies, individ. pkg. & in bulk, exc. glass beads (Code 3399326227)
Natural science kits/sets, incl. botanical, chemistry, etc. (Code 3399326231)
Collectors' miniatures, except dolls (Code 3399326236)
Board games (Code 3399327301)
Nonelectronic sports-oriented action and skill games (Code 3399327306)
Nonelectronic nonsports-oriented action and skill games (Code 3399327311)
Puzzles (Code 3399327316)
Other nonelectronic games (Code 3399327321)
Parts for nonelectronic games (Code 3399327326)
Nonpowered transportation toys (exc. model kits), plastics, >= 6 in. (Code 3399328116)
Nonpowered transportation toys (exc. model kits), other, >= 6 in. (Code 3399328121)
Nonpowered transportation toys/toy sets, other types, nonriding (Code 3399328141)
Toy guns, gun sets, and rifles (Code 3399328251)
Housekeeping and cooking toys, incl. tea sets and play tools (Code 3399328366)
Other preschool playsets and toys, exc. building & infant toys (Code 3399328446)
Juvenile-scale sporting goods/gardening/sand toys/inflatables (Code 3399328511)
Doll carriages, strollers, and carts (Code 3399328521)
Other infant toys (Code 3399328531)
All other nonelectronic toys (Code 3399328551)
Parts for nonelectronic toys (Code 3399328571)
Other electronic toys and games (including home video games), excluding cartridges, disks, and tapes (Code 3399309100)
Ballpoint pens, refillable (Code 3399411101)
Ballpoint pens, nonrefillable (Code 3399411206)
Roller pens (Code 3399411311)
Markers, fine-point (thin-line writing pens) (Code 3399413101)
Markers, broad-tipped (thick-line coloring pens and markers) (Code 3399413206)
Mechanical pencils, including clutch-action and twist-action (Code 3399415101)
Refill cartridges for pens and markers (Code 3399415113)
Other pens & parts for pens, markers, & mechanical pencils (Code 3399415116)
Nonmechanical (wood-cased) black graphite pencils (Code 3399421101)
Nonmechanical pencils & graphite/colored sticks, other types (Code 3399421106)
Chalk and crayons, including tailors' chalk (excluding artists') (Code 3399402201)
Blackboards and whiteboards (Code 3399402301)
Artists' equipment (including airbrushes, children's school art equipment, drawing tables and boards, palettes) (Code 3399402401)
Other art materials (including artists' chalk and crayons, modeling clay and other modeling material) (Code 3399402501)
Office supplies and small office equipment (including tape dispensers, paper cutters and trimmers) (Code 3399402601)
Dies, hand stamps, and typeholders, plastics and rubber (Code 3399430101)
Permanently inked stamps (exc. print dies), plastics & rubber (Code 3399430106)
Mechanical hand stamps, self-inkers (Code 3399430211)
Metal hand stamps, steel incising and embossing dies, etc. (Code 3399430321)
Other marking devices, incl. branding irons, etc. (Code 3399430331)
Inked computer (electronic data processing) ribbons (Code 3399441106)
Inked typewriter ribbons (Code 3399441201)
Other inked ribbons (Code 3399404201)
Carbon paper and stencil paper (Code 3399404301)
Luminous tubing electric signs, incl. argon, hydrogen, & neon (Code 3399501101)
Electric signs, fluorescent lamp (Code 3399501206)
Electric signs, incandescent bulb, w/ variable message display (Code 3399501311)
Electric signs, incandescent bulb, other types (Code 3399501316)
Electric signs, all other types, inc. combination of lights (Code 3399501321)
Nonelectric signs and displays, metal, screen printed (Code 3399503101)
Nonelectric signs and displays, metal, other print types (Code 3399503106)
Nonelectric signs and displays, wood, screen printed (Code 3399503111)
Nonelectric signs and displays, wood, other print types (Code 3399503116)
Nonelectric signs/displays, other mat. types, screen printed (Code 3399503121)
Nonelectric signs and displays, all other material & print types (Code 3399503126)
Advertising specialties (Code 3399505100)
Packings, compression type, synthetic fiber /plastics composition (Code 3399911111)
Packing, compression type, other materials (Code 3399911121)
Gaskets and gasketing, elastomeric (Code 3399913111)
Gaskets and gasketing, graphite (Code 3399913221)
Gaskets and gasketing, paper, felt base, and plant fiber (Code 3399913331)
Gaskets and gasketing, cork and cork composition (Code 3399913341)
Gaskets and gasketing, all other nonmetallic (Code 3399913351)
Packing and seals, molded, O-rings, including spliced (Code 3399915111)
Packing/seals, molded, solid-section ring seals, squeeze-type (Code 3399915221)
Packing/seals, molded, ring seals, dual-component, cushioned (Code 3399915231)
Packing/seals, molded, lip-type seals, flexible, single/multi-comp. (Code 3399915241)
Packing and seals, molded, diaphragm seals (Code 3399915251)
Packing and seals, molded, all other types (Code 3399915261)
Gaskets, metallic, spiral-wound (Code 3399917111)
Gaskets and seals, metallic and machined, other types (Code 3399917121)
Seals, axial, mechanical face, complete, w/ single-coil springs (Code 3399918111)
Seals, axial, mechanical face, complete, w/ mult-coil springs (Code 3399918121)
Seals, axial, mechanical face, complete, containing bellows (Code 3399918131)
Seals, axial, mechanical face, complete, other types (Code 3399918141)
Seals, axial, mechanical face, parts (Code 3399918251)
Seals, rotary oil, sprung (spring-loaded) bonded (Code 3399919111)
Seals, rotary oil, nonmetallic (Code 3399919141)
Seals, rotary oils, other types (Code 3399919161)
Pianos, nonelectronic, oth. types, incl. console/upright/vertical (Code 3399921101)
Pianos, nonelectronic, grand (Code 3399921106)
Organs, pipe and reed (Code 3399923101)
Organs, other types, including electronic (Code 3399923106)
Pianos, nonelectronic, parts, except benches (Code 3399925101)
Organs, parts (including electronic), except benches (Code 3399925106)
Musical instruments, electronic, other types (including pianos and synthesizers), excluding electronic organs (Code 3399927116)
Musical instruments, nonelectronic, woodwind (Code 3399927201)
Musical instruments, nonelectronic, brass wind (Code 3399927206)
Musical instruments, nonelectronic, string and fretted (Code 3399927211)
Musical instruments, nonelecronic, percussion (Code 3399927221)
Musical instruments, nonelectronic, all other types (Code 3399927226)
Musical instruments, other, parts and accessories, sold separately (including mouthpieces, stands) (Code 3399927331)
Buttons and button parts (including metal), except plastic (Code 3399931101)
Buttons/button parts, plastic, incl. button backs/blanks/molds (Code 3399931106)
Zippers and slide fasteners, metal (Code 3399933106)
Zippers and slide fasteners, plastics (Code 3399933111)
Buckles (including buckles covered with fabrics and other materials) (Code 3399935106)
Fasteners (excluding slide fasteners), including snap and tape, hook and eyes, rivet and burrs, and trimmings (Code 3399935112)
Needles (excluding hypodermic, phonographic, stylus, and suture) and pins (excluding jewelry) (Code 3399935131)
Brooms, household floor (Code 3399941101)
Brooms, other types (hearth, industrial, stable, street, street sweeping machine, etc.) (Code 3399941106)
Mops and dusters, including refills, dry (except dusting cloths) (Code 3399941311)
Mops, including refills, wet (except sponge) (Code 3399941316)
Mops, including refills, sponge (Code 3399941321)
Brushes (including kalsomine, marking, paperhanging, stenciling, and whitewash), paint and varnish (Code 3399943101)
Holders and pads, paint (Code 3399943206)
Roller frames and rollers (including replacement rollers), paint (Code 3399943211)
Toothbrushes (Code 3399945101)
Brushes, other personal, incl. shaving brushes/hairbrushes (Code 3399945106)
Brushes, maintenance (including dusting, floor, scrub, twisted-in-wire, and window), household (Code 3399945211)
Brushes, maintenance (including dusting, floor, scrub, twisted-in-wire, and window), industrial (Code 3399945216)
Brushes, other types (including cup, dentists', end, jewelers', power-driven, and rotary), industrial (Code 3399945221)
Brushes, all other types (including artists' brushes and hair pencils), excluding artists' airbrushes (Code 3399945226)
Burial caskets/coffins, lined/trimmed, adult sizes only, steel (Code 3399951101)
Burial caskets/coffins, lined/trimmed, adult only, other metal (Code 3399951206)
Burial caskets/coffins, lined/trimmed, adult only, other wood (Code 3399953101)
Burial caskets/coffins, lined/trimmed, adult, hardwood/pine (Code 3399953106)
Burial caskets and coffins, other types (including burial boxes and vaults) (Code 3399955100)
Fire extinguishers, hand-portable, carbon dioxide (Code 3399991101)
Fire extinguishers, hand-portable, dry chemical (Code 3399991106)
Fire extinguishers, hand-portable, other types (Code 3399991111)
Fire extinguishing equipment, fixed-system (including dry and wet chemical, inert gas) (Code 3399991116)
Parts and attachments for fire extinguishing equipment, hand-portable and fixed-system (Code 3399991121)
Coin-operated amusement machines, electronic (Code 3399993101)
Coin-operated amusement machines, other types (Code 3399993106)
Candles, including tapers (Code 3399995100)
Umbrellas and parasols, including parts (Code 3399997100)
Artificial trees, including Christmas, metal, and plastics (Code 3399999101)
Artificial flowers, fruits, and wreaths (Code 3399999106)
Feathers and plumes (Code 3399999111)
Mirror and picture frames, wood (Code 339999E106)
Framed pictures, wood (Code 339999E211)
Mirror and picture frames, metal (Code 339999E311)
Mirror and picture frames, plastics (Code 339999E313)
Framed pictures, other material types, except wood (Code 339999E316)
Christmas tree ornaments and decorations, excluding glass and electric (Code 339999K111)
Potpourri, including potpourri made from dried and chemically preserved flowers, foliage, fruits, and vines (Code 339999K121)
All other miscellaneous fabricated products, including products made from a combination of materials (Code 339999K151)